

1. Be Known As
The phrase "be known as" is used to indicate that someone or something is recognized by a specific name or title. For example, "This can be done using the 'override' feature, which in OO is also known as specialization." translates to "这可以通过使用'覆盖'特性来实现,这在面向对象中也被称作专业化。"
2. Pass As
The term "pass as" is used when something or someone is accepted as being something they are not. For instance, "Clearly Eliza will not pass as a duchess." can be rephrased as "很明显,伊莉莎还不能被当作公爵夫人来接受。"
3. Synonyms for "Be Known As" and "Pass As"
In addition to "be known as," the English expression "pass as" can also be used, which means to be mistaken for or accepted as something else. For example, "She passes as a professional singer on stage." means "她在舞台上被误认为是职业歌手。"