

Dear Sir:
Regarding 4,000 dozen of shirts under the sales order C215 ,simply notify you that the cargo is ready to delivery and the date is pushing .however ,we are yet to receive your letter of credit .
Please make sure the letter of credit be open and sent to us by the end of this month so that we can implement the order.
In order to avoid any subsequent modifications,please make sure the terms within the L/C be in accord with terms listed in the contract.
your prompt reply is highly appreciated!

thanks and regards


第1个回答  2010-04-18
Dear Sir:
No. No. C215 of our sales contract under the 4000 dozen shirts, cargo has to be brought to attention and ready for shipment transported is drawing near, but not yet received your letter of credit. Please be sure to open letters of credit before the end of this month and delivered to my office for the successful implementation of this order.
In order to avoid subsequent modifications, be sure to pay attention to (do) the matters within the letter of credit must be fully consistent with the terms of the contract.
Hope good news. Yours sincerely!
第2个回答  2010-04-21
Dear Sirs:

Regarding 4,000 dozen of shirts under the order C215 is ready to delivery, but we still do not receive your L/C. Please rush to open covering L/C before the end of this month, so that the order will go on smoothly.
In order to avoid amendment, please let the items covered in the L/C in accord with the items listed in the contract.
I look forward to hearing from you!

Sincerely yours