

过了几天的英文:After a few days。例句如下:

过了几天,长出了一树嫩芽。After a few days, the shoots grow a tree。过了几天,山姆爬上了一颗很高很高的大树。A few days later Sam was climbing a very tall tree。

Then, after a few days, adzuki bean Baner slowly into the small leaves, each one has a few small leaves.然后,过了几天,小豆叶慢慢地变成了小叶子,每一片

The child develops a cold with a marked cough, which becomes more severe and spa smodic after a few days.孩子患上感冒并伴有明显咳嗽,咳嗽变得更加严重

Contrast that with how you feel after a few days of sleeping too much and not doin g much of anything.与几天睡得太多而不睡觉后的感觉形成对比
