翻译成英语,在线等 !急!!!!

- 高盛:由于中国决策层对外需的下行风险感到担忧,中国政府不会大幅调整人民币/美元汇率,但由于增长和通胀相关风险趋于上行,认为人民币汇率调整和加息对于中国的逆周期调控具有积极意义。
- 布朗兄弟哈里曼(Brown Brothers Harriman & Co.)资深货币策略师Win Thin:
- 渣打银行:
- 日媒评论:中国正在吸取《广场协议》之后的日本经济的教训,认为逐步提高人民币汇率是良策,否则后期或将发生的人民币急剧升值会产生极大的副作用。

Gao Sheng : Down tier of external necessaries risk feels being anxious for because China makes policy , the Chinese government can not adjust the RMB/ exchange rate of US dollar by large margins , it is all right for relevance risk tend to become to go ahead , the contrary period thinking that the exchange rates for the Renminbi against other currencies adjustment sum increases interest to Chinese regulates and controls but because the increase swells with to have active significance. -Brotherly Brown Haliman (Brown Brothers Harriman & Co.) Senior currency tactics learns from Win Thin: Restraining the method of work that economic growth hot shot , the Chinese government adopt may most is to put branch supervisory control into practice, measure being that housing market cools down if the raise the deposits held in banks reserve waiting, or similar government is recently what be introduced to. Think that China entreats being going to soon appreciate in the middle of the year litre of interest and RMB, Shi now presses on because the Chinese government is unwilling to knuckle under Yu Europe and America. -The Chartered Bank: Chinese possibility is already made converging to switch over to make policy, the exchange rates for the Renminbi against other currencies being advanced with coming to proceed orderly by adjusting everyday middle rate step by step is flexible , concrete starting opportunity appears will long ago after thinking that cycle World's Fair opens on May 10 most. Arrive at , after counting month if exporting stability , be that People's Bank of China may announce acceleration such as second half of the year for 7 years appreciates. -The matchmaker discusses Japan: Otherwise China is absorbing the economical Japan lesson after "public square agreement " , think that raising exchange rates for the Renminbi against other currencies step by step is good plan, that later stage or RMB will happen appreciates rapidly may produce the immense side effect. -Asian Development Bank chief The Economists Li Zhong draws: Appreciation suggesting that exchange rates for the Renminbi against other currencies proceeds orderly, but be not that one time currency value being in progress is heavy estimate, such may avoid giving China exporter to bring about with the adjacent economy body adverse effect the flexibility , improving exchange rate changes the economy helping China to absorb large amount of capital inflow , bringing down the inflation and pushing forward in the homeland to domestic needs drive type; That besides, this returns back is helpful to the problem relieving the whole world economy unbalance.