





这是最大的效益!随着对需要做什么团队脑力激荡时,由谁来可以是一个很有启发性的工作。几个月前,我正在帮助一个项目经理和他的团队,因为他们发展他们的计划。当我们加载到项目进度(再次,任务可以很容易地得到一张餐巾纸),我一直要求对前任和继任者。这将是一个长时间的停顿后作为团队成员思考的概念,然后讨论,有时,额外的任务才会出现。约的方式,3 / 4,通过这项工作的项目经理表示,“现在我明白为什么我们应该这样做!”





减少返工 - 想象有人开始发展,并没有要求所有新的应用程序代码。
消除重复的工作 - 想像人A和某乙远赴执行相同的任务时,只有一个人被分配。
返回资源越早是否租用一台推土机,或承包一个人的团队 - 这些资源的时间越长的项目中,它变得更加昂贵。阿时间表将使项目经理归还这些资源,尽快。




第1个回答  2010-04-19
9 Benefits of a Project Schedule
The Value of a Project Schedule

"Failing to plan means planning to fail"

In my mind, that sums it up. But this article will focus on providing some more detailed benefits.

Contrary to what you might be thinking, this article is NOT some type of promotion for the use of Microsoft Project. As a matter of fact, your schedule could be developed on a napkin, providing you (and your team) develop it, and manage with it!!

Forces detailed thinking and planning
This is the biggest benefit! Brainstorming with the team on what needs to be done when and by whom can be a very enlightening exercise. A few months ago I was assisting a project manager and his team as they were developing their plan. As we were loading the tasks into the project schedule (again, could have easily been a napkin), I kept asking about predecessors and successors. This would be followed by a long pause as the team members pondered the concept, then discussion and sometimes, additional tasks would surface. About 3/4 of the way through the exercise the project manager stated "So now I see why we should do it this way!"

Improves communication
A completed / current version of the schedule keeps all team members "singing from the same page of the hymn book". When the team knows what is supposed to occur when and by whom, this makes managing the rest of the project a little easier. Communicating with management, the customer, and other stakeholders is also much easier with a schedule.

Provides a goal
Whether it is the short term goals of tasks for the week, the mid range goals of a deliverable or milestone, or the overall project finish date, this information is all contained within the schedule. And providing you are following the tip of communicating, all team members should be aware of these goals.

Lets you know when you are off track
Just like when you take a trip; the schedule is the roadmap that tells you how to get from point A to point Z. There even may be times when you experience potholes or detours, but if you did not have a roadmap, how would you get back on track? Monitoring the baseline or original schedule allows you to know when you get off track. It will tell you just how far off track your project is, and allow you to experiment with what-if scenario's for getting back on track.

Reduces delivery time
There are a couple of ways a schedule helps here.
Once your original schedule is complete, you now have the abilitiy to step back and determine what tasks could be started early or completed in parallel with other tasks (Fast Tracking).
Secondly, by tying dates and durations to tasks creates a sense of urgency that might not otherwise be there. Without these dates, a team member may postpone working on an activity that could cause a delay in downstream milestones.

Reduces costs
You may think that developing and managing a schedule would increase costs. It is more work right? Here are a few examples of how a schedule reduces cost.
Reduces rework - Imagine someone starting to develop the code for a new application without all the requirements.
Eliminates duplicate work - Imagine person A and person B heading off to perform the same task when only person A was assigned.
Return resources sooner - Whether renting a bulldozer, or contracting a team of people, the longer those resources are on the project, the more costly it becomes. A schedule will enable the project manager to return those resources as soon as possible.

Increases productivity
By examining the sequence of tasks and the resources assigned, perhaps periods can be found where resources are under-utilized. Assigning them to additional tasks or changing the logic of when the tasks should be performed will make the team more productive.

See problems early
Whether it is an issue with a milestone date slipping or resources being over-allocated a month from now, having an up-to-date schedule can help you see these problems before they become true issues impacting your project. You can leverage the schedule for what-if scenarios to find a solution or raise the issue to the proper stakeholders well in advance.

Enables project manager to control the project instead of the project having control of them
This one is probably debatable by many project managers who currently have a detailed schedule but still find themselves struggling each day just to stay afloat. But imagine where you would be without that plan!

Hopefully this article has proven some of the value in creating and maintaining a project schedule. If you are currently managing your projects without a schedule, you should try building one and managing to it. I'm sure you will find your life will change. If you do use a schedule, whether it is in MS Project, Excel, or a napkin, look at it now and see how many of these tips you can apply.本回答被提问者采纳
第2个回答  2010-04-19
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