
内容就是写信, 我写给爷爷的。尽量用简单句,词语越简单越好

Dear Grandpa:
我是***,我很想念你。 I was ***, I miss you. 我想起和你在一起时的快乐时光。 With you when I am reminded of happier times. 每天早上,你给我做热乎乎的早饭,放学回家,你又给我做丰盛的晚餐。 Every morning, you gave me to do and warm breakfast, came home from school, you gave me to do a rich dinner. 晚上,我们一起看电视,一起聊天,我给你讲发生在我们学校的事,你还我讲你小时候的事,多么有趣啊! Evening, we were watching TV, chatting together, I tell you things happen in our school, you told me you have a child to do, how fun ah! 可现在却与你分开了,没人给我做那么好吃的饭菜,也没人陪我讲有趣的事了。 Can be separated with you now, no one has given me to do so tasty meals, nor Renpei I say interesting things. 爷爷,我真的很想你。 Grandpa, I really want you.
我希望能快点见到你。 I hope to see you quickly.