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As the product of culture, advertisement directly reflects the close relationship between language and culture. And advertising language is a special art form, which has profound cultural background and can be influenced by the tendency of the times. This paper investigates the Chinese and English advertising languages, and uncovers the culture differences in advertisements. Then it discusses the problems in the advertising translation, and puts forward the artistic and effective methods of advertising translation.
The world is getting increasingly globalized. Advertisement is closely related to the culture. The purpose of an advertisement is to persuade target consumesers to buy the advertised products or services. Thus, it is a most important task to be aware of the differences between Chinese culture and western culture. This paper analyzes the differences from six aspects: monism versus pluralism, collectivism versus individualism, the implicit way versus the direct way, the imagery pattern versus the abstract pattern, respect of authority versus respect of self-performance, and the differences of social background and aesthetics.
Some defects and even unsuccessful advertisements are made because of the poor quality of translation. This paper proceeds from problems in advertising translation that the translators do not have a good command of the nation-specific culture and is too adhesive to the advertisement’s superficial meaning while there are a lot of cultural factors hidden in the present advertising translation. In fact, advertisement translation requires more than just rendering sentences into another language. Translators have to convert the ideas and thoughts behind the sentences into the target language by applying the knowledge of the target culture. This paper suggests some methods to make advertising translation in view of the language and culture differences.
[Key words] advertising language; culture difference; advertising translation

【摘 要】 广告作为文化的产物,可以更直接地展示语言和文化的关系,所以广告语言是一门具有浓郁文化色彩与时代特点的艺术形式。本文对中、英广告语言进行了探讨,揭示了中英广告的语言在语音、语义、文字形式及修辞等方面的差异以及文化差异。然后,文章分析了广告语言翻译中存在的问题,从文化的角度提出了有关广告翻译的艺术的有效方法。
【关键词】 广告语言;文化差异;广告翻译
1.Linguistic Differences Reflected in Advertisements
Shen xiaolong[1] once summarizes that western languages are rule-governed while the Chinese language is people-governed. In other word, Chinese is a language governed by meaning. Chinese is regarded as a flexible language which can be long or short in its lexical units, and is based on the language of logic phrase chunks while Western language are made up of verb central elements which are inflexible.
The following part of this paper will discuss seven aspects of linguistic differences reflected in advertisement.
1.1 Flowing chunks vs. SV structure
Jin Huikang[2] compares the Chinese and English languages in details. In view of syntax, Chinese sentences connect minor-clauses according to chronological or logical order. The structure seems short and loose. It seldom focuses on one rigid point but moves according with the logical order and the changing rhythm. Unlike the Chinese structure, English sentence displays a spatial arrangement with the verb as a center. They are clear in meaning and tight in structure. Therefore, Chinese syntactic structures usually employ parataxis, while English adopts hypostasis. In translation, we must get rid of our own way of thinking, and arrange sentences conforming to the target rules and conventions. The following examples show these intrinsic differences working in Chinese and English, and help us explore some plausible translation methods.
(1) 境内西湖如明镜,千峰凝翠,洞壑幽深,风光绮丽。
The West Lake is like a mirror, embellished all around with green hills and deep caves of enchanting beauty. [3]
Obviously, the original structure is changed in the target text. The structure of the Chinese advertisement is loose with some short clauses, whereas the English one breaks it into one sentence, which is centered on a verb, with modifiers of participle phrase, proposition phrase, and noun phrase around it. By doing so, the translation emphasizes the central meaning in the SV structure "The West Lake is like a mirror" and specifies the implied logical relationship in the surface form. Reflecting linguistic features of English language, the translation is a successful one in both content and function.
1.2 Flowery language vs. concise wording[4]
“When concerning about the rhetoric, Chinese tends to use gorgeous words while English has a vivid character of conciseness.
“Chinese is good writer to express their feelings by writing and try their best to apply grand vocabulary to describe beautiful and moving images to be sounded elegantly. Many high-sounding words can be found in Chinese. For instance, in Chinese advertisements we frequently see words like“一流”(first class),“完美”(perfect),“独特”(specific) regardless of the quality of goods being advertised. With regard to language forms, the Chinese language strives for symmetry in structure and rhyme in sound, hence reading neat, implicit and musical. For example, four-character phrases, parallelism, antithesis appears frequently in Chinese. In order to achieve rhyming, emphasis or neat structure Chinese language often resorts to tautology.
“On the contrary, western literature and art have been developing under the theory of imitating the reality. The English language reflects this theory and proves to be objective, factual and rational. It has tight sentence structure, meticulous stream of thought, and logical relationship between linguistic units, concise wording and straightforward description. All in all, brevity is the soul of wit, or in other words, a proper word in a proper place is good English. Abusing of florid language is forbidden in good English, for it is considered illogical and may harm the original meaning or communication.
“Thus Chinese and English advertisements are quite different, especially when describing scenery in tourist advertisements. It is a language for poets to give expression to special feelings instead of defining or judging. Even when describing sceneries, English displays a beauty of form, straightforward, explicit, objective, unlike the casual, subjective Chinese. For example, the following advertisement written by a native speaker of English is concise and plain, and through simile and combination of concrete scenes, it provides enough space for imagination. However, from the point of view of Chinese, it may be too plain. For example:
(2)Tiny islands are strung around the edge of the peninsula like a pearl necklace. Hunks of coral reef, coconut palms and fine white sand.
“If we translate it word by word, it will not meet Chinese readers’ expectation. So abundant modifiers such as“礁红”,“成片”,and“如银”,and four-character phrases like “玲珑小巧”,and“如诗如画”are employed to make the translated version read beautiful.
“ 座座岛屿玲珑小巧,紧密相连,像一串珍珠缀成的项链,环绕着半岛边缘。
“The bold characters add charm to the scenic spot and contribute to the whole rhyming structure but mean nothing to English readers because they are repetitive and wordy. The same is true that in C-E translation, those superfluous modifiers should be omitted, adapted or implicit between lines so as to make the target version conform to the westerners’ aesthetic standards.”
1.3 Speech contrast[5]
The pronunciation of the language can cause the mentally different sense of hearing result, and stir up the different reaction mentally, however it is soft or clear and crisp or strong, or dignified. In advertising language, we usually make use of onomatopoeic motivation, sound symbolism and echoism which could easily cause the target audience’s aesthetic feeling. But there exist a great difference between Chinese and western speech, onomatopoeia and rhythm. As a result, it makes translator puzzled .In English advertising words, in order to make the ad full of aesthetic feeling, they often make use of alliteration, assonance, rhyme, and consonance. For example, the advertisement phrase” Never late on Father’s Day. " There are two assonance [ei] which sound musically harmonious. However, it is quite difficult to attain this aesthetic feeling in its Chinese translation. Moreover while translating we should still notice some advertisements phrase sound may cause to lead to bad meaning in another language. For example the Japanese company of Toshiba once uses an advertisement :
(3)" 东芝(Toshiba) , 东芝(Toshiba) , 大家的东芝”.This is a advertising lyric .The first “东芝”is translated into the sound "To shi ba". Hence young people jokingly read it as“偷去吧,偷去吧,大家的东西”In this way ,there’s no solemnity at all.
1.4 Semantic contrast[5]
第1个回答  2010-03-30
Thus Chinese and English advertisements are quite different, especially when describing scenery in tourist advertisements. It is a language for poets to give expression to special feelings instead of defining or judging. Even when describing sceneries, English displays a beauty of form, straightforward, explicit, objective, unlike the casual, subjective Chinese. For example, the following advertisement written by a native speaker of English is concise and plain, and through simile and combination of concrete scenes, it provides enough space for imagination. However, from the point of view of Chinese, it may be too plain. For example:
(2)Tiny islands are strung around the edge of the peninsula like a pearl necklace. Hunks of coral reef, coconut palms and fine white sand本回答被提问者采纳
第2个回答  2010-03-10