
80. The public opinion was that the time was not ________ for the election of such a radical candidate as Mr. Jones.
A. reasonable B. ripe C. ready D. practical
81. Few of the students understand why language is _______ to human beings.
A) aware B) unique C) absolute D) continual

82. The method he used turned out to be _______ in improving the students' English.
A) effective B) able C) capable D) explicit

83. The boss refused to give any _______ on the fact that his workers were out of jobs.
A) response B) comment C) answer D) reply

84. The police searched the city in an effort to catch the man who ______ murder last week.
A) limited B) made C) did D) committed

85. They had to examine the dead tiger before they had a _______ answer as to who killed it.
A) positive B) senior C) virtual D) vital

86. He could be ________ about everything else in the world, but not about Manet, his loving child.
A) visual B) critical C) favorite D) essential

87. Measures had to be taken in face of the housing problem that ________ in the city.
A) rose B) raised C) arose D) produced

88. By the side of the new teaching hall _________ , built in the 1930s.
A) there stands a library B) stands a library
C) a library stands D) does a library stand

89. What a ________ smell! Open the window and air the room.
A) disgusting B) pleasing C) powerful D) disturbing

90. The story he is telling is so ________ that some of the listeners begin to ask him to stop.
A) pleasant B) horrible C) healthy D) exciting

91. That Sandy wears ________ makeup annoys her mother.
A) very much B) very C) that much D) so

92. She was putting on her jeans ________ me to hand her the sweater.
A) while asked B) asked C) asking D) while asking

93. No matter what you say, I'm coming ________.
A) anyway B) any way C) in a way D) in the way

94. The large wings of that bird _________ it to fly very high and fast.
A) make B) enable C) force D) realize

95. Twenty years ago it was common to see people _________ from hunger on the streets in that poor nation, but clearly the situation has improved greatly since then.
A) calling B) preventing C) resulting D) collapsing

96. After a long period of regular exercise, I now _____ much less than I used to.
A) weigh B) like C) grow D) increase

97. She had to __________ several times a night when her baby was ill.
A) call out B) get ahead C) wake up D) come to

98. When you're in Paris you can't help being ________ of the way the streets are kept clean.
A) effective B) relaxed C) conscious D) obvious

99. The book offers some advice about how to make a good ________ at job interviews.
A) attitude B) appearance C) effect D) impression

100. He was a good worker who was ________ to his family as well as to his work.
A) consistent B) committed C) content D) engaged
100. He was a good worker who was ________ to his family as well as to his work.
A) consistent B) committed C) content D) engaged

101. It is very difficult for the time being to ________ how much money is needed.
A) account B) assume C) range D) estimate

102. The teacher praised and rewarded the good ________ of his students in class.
A) status B) behaviour C) function D) signal

103. We must ________ our attention on the question of reducing our cost.
A) pay B) focus C) absorb D) promote

104. It is said that ________ to the plan so far have been positive.
A) reactions B) views C) ideas D) opinions

105. Have you ever noticed that Jack always ________ a picture of quiet self-worth?
A) impresses B) focuses C) projects D) communicates

. We also use other forms of communication ________ we may be aware or unaware.
A) to which B) of which C) which D) that

不过80.86题不太确定 。我给你说下这两个题的解析:
80. 从单词意思来选的
86.题是单词意思 和后面介词about 但是我不确定 有没我选的那种搭配
第1个回答  2010-03-14
第2个回答  2010-03-10
第3个回答  2010-03-16