
上周末,你妈妈生病了,所以你帮妈妈干家务。请根据方框的内容,详细记叙上周末的事情。词数70个左右,开头结尾已给出,不计入总字数。语句通顺,意思连贯。 妈妈的病症 1. 头痛2. 喉咙疼3. 咳嗽 医生的建议 1. 一天吃三次药2. … (补充一条) 我的行动 帮妈妈干下列家务:1. 扫地2. 折叠衣服3. 4. 洗碗5. …(至少补充一条) 感想 ……

Last weekend, my mother fell ill. She had a headache, had a sore throat and coughed a lot. She went to a doctor. The doctor told my mother to take medicine three times a day. He also advised my mother to drink hot water with honey and have a good rest. Because my mother was sick, I helped mom  with housework and chores. I swept the floor, folded my own clothes, did the dishes and took out the rubbish. I satisfaction when I saw the joy on my mother’s face.

【亮点说明】这篇段文要点全面,能够适当发挥。时态人称运用得当,文中用到的短语词组told my mother to,had a strong feeling of,advised my mother to,hot water with honey使文章更丰富。