

第1个回答  2022-10-16

1. 如何在WORD中制作作文格纸









2. 劳动课小制作作文怎么写


下午,同学们带着自己的水果陆陆续续地来到了教室,大家议论纷纷,都在讨论自己的小组做什么。 上课铃响了,舒老师端着一盘水果拼盘走进来,老师先让我们欣赏了水果拼盘,又讲了技巧,终于开始动手了。


我一直没事干,等了好一会儿,终于听到王彤布置任务了,“汪聿琛,切苹果!”“OK!” *** 起水果刀,一刀切下去,咦?怎么回事,没有“一刀两断”?我仔细一看,噢!拿反水果刀了,我迅速换了回来,三下两下就搞定了,等我切完,其他组员也完成了任务。嘿嘿!还不错嘛!香蕉片和橘片在外面,里面是苹果片,最里面是一个剥成四瓣的绿葡萄,上面有一根嫩菜心。

沈老师端起相机,“咔嚓”一声,为我们的水果拼盘照了相呢! 这次劳动课真有趣。

3. 用Word做试卷怎么做写作文的格

1、选择要插入表格的位置, “表格”菜单,选择“插入”子菜单下的“表格”,在弹出的对话框中“行数”后面输入“2”,“列数”后面输入“20”,单击确定,即得到一个2行20列的表格。(Word会自动将其调整到适合整个页面的大小。)






4. 以work为话题,写一篇500字左右的英文小短文``

In the work efficiency of the dormitory always very low, so if it were not for time only urgent, I leave the important work to the weekend to go home to do again as far as possible.Certainly the price is a weekend total have no time to see an English super well, even seldom well and parents chat, mother says me on go home" cover up the flight".Really sorry and ashamed.Met with the youth report and courier stationses to all arrive the most busy time last week, the youth report wanted to plete the yellow to bee of gather news the draft, the winter vacation special issue, a draft of the normal regulations, the courier station wanted to start pose type.Sit on the puter to faint the day before yesterday a ground of dark, originally wanted the formatting of rush through the courier station on Sunday evening, said that the aunt of the United States returns to Guangzhou suddenly, invited us the top of the river city of day of view of 怡 have a meal.Return to the home has already had another 10:00, then do many till 2:00, get up to feel overwhelmed with work on Monday morning, decide to be not to return to the university city in the morning, hence fall flop to sleep again, play truant in mother father's in front.It is not really good child.However is all voluntary, therefore will not plain.Have a on the classroom plainant:" Can you make me little to earn 1:00?" Her too many lessons want up, although can earn a lot of money, too tired.This kind of woman entrepreneur leaves us too faraway, only she is in the north greatly from the undergraduate course the career that had been read till the Doctor make me too far behind to catch up.So she can plain the oneself" earn too many", but our se prospects don't the person of the , can beg more works to ran over only, is a later resume to increase some capitals.Say that return to work, the work of the youth report make me very happy, feel to enriched too this semester, so time also feels quickly.Say with the Fish words, pass by more than a month in, our substance did 1.5 versions.The south culture of 岭 makes a tour to make to gather news three times, the important business goes first the contact to gather news the object each time, then anize *** all record to gather news, e back and pose, gather news the recording to bee the writing, *** all the manuscript that record accept together.Unlike" new visual field" that I be responsible for of workload is little.But gather news each time after plete, would realistically feel the achievement feeling.。
