

第1个回答  2022-10-03
以上关于Pollute 和 contaminate的答案都是对的,看看pollution 和 contamination的分别会清楚一点. Pollution 泛指对环境而造成的污染,例如 noise pollution
solid waste pollution
都是指自然环境中的污染。 Contamination是指某一种物质被另一种物质污染,例如 The river is contaminated by industrial sewage
it is a kind a water pollution. 入面的contaminate 是用于 [河水] 被 [工厂污水] 污染,整体来说是一种 [环境的]水质污染。 因此,pollute 是指整体对自然环境造成污染,contaminate 是指具体什么物质被其他物质造成污染。
*** It is "pollute" not "pullute". Pollute---> often linked to pollution eg.water pollution
air pollution
noise pollution e ----> eg.pollute the ocean contaminate---> can also use in water contamination ----> we say "food contamination" not "food pollution" ----> "contaminate by bacteria" not "polluted by bacteria" ***my explanation is not very clear(sorry) but I hope you can see a little difference in the uses of the o.
参考: myself
pullute是:: 1. 污染
弄脏 Garbage pollutes our rivers and lakes. 垃圾污染我们的河川湖泊。 2. 玷污
败坏 Our store never sells books which pollute the mind. 我们书店从不出售污染心灵的书籍。 {.dictionary.yahoo/search?s=pollute} contaminate::: 1. 弄脏;污染;毒害 The water was contaminated. 这水被污染了。 Flies contaminate food. 苍蝇会弄脏食物。 2. 使受毒气影响;使受放射性污染 3. 使不纯
使变得低劣 {.dictionary.yahoo/search?q=1&s=contaminate&Submit=+%ACd%A6r+}
参考: yahoo字典