

第1个回答  2022-11-24
问题一:在某某公司工作过英语怎么说 在某某公司工作过英语have ever worked in ..pany/in the pany of ..

问题二:大学毕业后他一直在那家公司工作!英语怎么说? He has been working at that pany since after his graduation.

问题三:请问“我现在在xx工作”用英文怎么说,谢谢! NOW I'm working in XX pany

问题四:关于“你想在什么样的公司工作”的一个英文短文 200分 I am really glad I worked for a large pany. Here are my reasons why:
1. You learn an awful lot. You get to see the good, the bad and the ugly. You see lots of very good ideas (like proper source control) and some not so good ideas (like how not to motivate people).
While a big pany may not seem very exciting, it must have got some things right to be big in the first place. Learn from this. And even the most mediocre organisation has hidden pockets of excellence where people still care and battle stoically to keep things going. They are some of the most resourceful people you will ever meet, bining great technical skills with the ability to manage on no budget and great political acumen.
2. You get to work with lots of clever people. I am a bit of a snob - I like the intellectual buzz of working with *** art people. And you can still find a lot of them squeezed into a several departments in large panies.
Many *** art people stay at large businesses because they enjoy what they do, they have families/responsibilities and cannot take the risk of leaving. You will be taken down a peg or two by the wise, old hacker who was doing this stuff while you were still at school, eats fresh-faced 20 something consultants for breakfast and has some great stories to tell. And you will get a range of ages - let's face it, most startups reckon you are past it if you are over 23.
3. You bee part of a large diaspora/munity. I used to work at a big pany 12 ......>>

问题五:“我从进入公司就开始从事XX工作,一直到现在”英语怎么说? I have 偿een undertaking ... since I started working for this pany, right till now

问题六:工作期限或工作时间段英语怎么说比如我在某个公司上 工作期限
[词典] [化] working deadline;
However, I believe in planning and proper management of my time reduce panic deadlines.