

Go Outing
Last weekend we went to the countryside to have a piic.We bought some cakes with us for lunch.We left quite early before there was too much traffic.After about two hours we came to a nice place.It was near a river,with some large trees beside it.So we parked our bicycles under the trees and went for swimming.It was a very hot day and the water was very refreshing.After having a swimming,we had lunch in the cool shade under the trees.Then we went for a walk.
We saw some beautiful birds and butterflies.After walking for about an hour we re turned to our bicycles and began to ride home.
We got home very late and terribly exhausted.But we enjoyed it very much,for it was one of our most interesting weekend’s outings.
第1个回答  2023-06-09

English Composition: Sunday Outing with Friends

Last Sunday, I had a delightful outing with my friends. We decided to explore a nearby nature reserve and enjoy the beauty of nature. It was a perfect opportunity to relax and take a break from our regular study routine.

Firstly, we embarked on a hiking trail that led us through lush green forests and meandering streams. The picturesque scenery was breathtaking, with vibrant flowers in full bloom and the melodious chirping of birds echoing in the air. We couldn't help but marvel at the wonders of nature surrounding us.

As we walked further, we encountered a serene lake nestled amidst the hills. The crystal-clear water shimmered under the sunlight, inviting us to dip our toes in. We couldn't resist the temptation and decided to have a refreshing swim. The cool water revitalized our senses and rejuvenated our spirits.

After our swim, we found a cozy spot under the shade of a tree to have a picnic. We unpacked our delicious homemade sandwiches and snacks, savoring every bite. The laughter and conversations filled the air, creating a warm and friendly atmosphere.

As the day progressed, we engaged in various outdoor activities like frisbee, badminton, and kite flying. These games not only brought us joy and excitement but also fostered teamwork and sportsmanship. We cheered each other on and celebrated every small victory.

As the sun began to set, casting a golden hue over the landscape, we gathered around a bonfire. The crackling sound of the fire and the mesmerizing dance of the flames created a cozy ambiance. We shared stories, sang songs, and made lasting memories together.

In conclusion, our Sunday outing was a remarkable experience filled with adventure, laughter, and camaraderie. It reminded us of the importance of taking breaks, connecting with nature, and spending quality time with friends. Such moments not only enrich our lives but also provide a much-needed balance to our academic endeavors.











    Explore (动词):表示“探索”,用于描述我们决定去自然保护区寻找新的景点和经历。

    Serpentine (形容词):意为“蜿蜒的”,用来形容我们所走的小道的曲折性质。

    Picturesque (形容词):表示“风景如画的”,用来形容我们所见到的美丽景色。

    Astonished (形容词):意为“惊讶的”,形容我们对周围自然奇观的惊叹之情。

    Crystal-clear (形容词):表示“清澈透明的”,用来形容我们遇到的湖水的清澈程度。

    Refreshed (形容词):意为“焕然一新的”,形容我们游泳后感到的精神状态。

    Homemade (形容词):表示“自制的”,用来描述我们所带的美味三明治和小吃。

    Laughter and conversation (短语):意为“笑声和交谈”,用来形容我们在野餐时所享受的欢乐氛围。

    Outdoor activities (短语):表示“户外活动”,指我们参与的各种游戏和运动。

    Teamwork and camaraderie (名词):意为“团队合作和友情”,形容我们在游戏中建立的团队合作和友谊。

    Roaring fire (短语):意为“噼啪作响的篝火”,用来形容我们在篝火旁的温馨场景。

    Forever memories (短语):表示“永恒的回忆”,形容我们所创造的难忘回忆。


第2个回答  2023-06-07

Last Sunday, my friends and I went on an outing. We visited a nearby park and had a picnic there. The weather was great, and we enjoyed ourselves very much. Some of us played frisbee, while others sang and danced to music. We also took lots of photos to capture the memories. Overall, it was a wonderful day filled with laughter and happiness.


1. Outing: 短途旅行

2. Picnic: 野餐

3. Frisbee: 飞盘

4. Sing and dance: 唱歌跳舞

5. Capture memories: 记录回忆
