哪位大神知道如何将这个网页上的Adobe Flash Player内容下载进我的电脑

哪位神能够帮我看下 我用了讯雷等工具都弄不下来

还有一种下载方法就是在临时文件夹里面找出来单击工具——internet选项——常规——首先“删除cookies”还有旁边的一个“删除文件”并把“删除所有脱机内容”打上勾,——确定,再刷新你的要下载的flash页面——单击工具——internet选项——常规——internet临时文件——设置——查看文件——找到你想要的 .swf 即可。
第1个回答  2009-06-22
function a()
} // End of the function
function makeLine(target, lineWidth, color, w, h, fill)
if (w == undefined)
w = target._width;
} // end if
if (h == undefined)
h = target._height;
} // end if
target.createEmptyMovieClip("lineMC", target.getNextHighestDepth());
with (target)
lineMC.lineStyle(lineWidth, color);
if (fill != undefined)
} // end if
lineMC.moveTo(0, 0);
lineMC.lineTo(w, 0);
lineMC.lineTo(w, h);
lineMC.lineTo(0, h);
lineMC.lineTo(0, 0);
if (fill != undefined)
} // end if
} // End of with
} // End of the function
function mm()
if (this.hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse))
this.line._visible = true;
_root.b._visible = true;
_root.b_b._visible = true;
lw = _root.lw;
lh = _root.lh;
if (lw / 2 > this._xmouse)
this.line._x = 0;
else if (this._width - lw / 2 < this._xmouse)
this.line._x = this.view._width - lw;
this.line._x = this._xmouse - lw / 2;
} // end else if
if (lh / 2 > this._ymouse)
this.line._y = 0;
else if (this._height - lh / 2 < this._ymouse)
this.line._y = this.view._height - lh;
this.line._y = this._ymouse - lh / 2;
} // end else if
_root.b.view._x = -this.line._x * _root.sc;
_root.b.view._y = -this.line._y * _root.sc;
} // end if
} // End of the function
function menu_f1()
getURL("http://auction.socang.com", "_blank");
} // End of the function
function menu_f2()
getURL("mailto:[email protected]", "_blank");
} // End of the function
if (host == undefined)
host = "auction.artron.net";
} // end if
if (logo == undefined)
logo = 0;
} // end if
if (remote == undefined)
remote = "";
remote = escape(remote);
} // end else if
var picburl = zoomimg;
var picxurl = mainimg;
var so = new Object();
var bo = new Object();
so = {_width: 300, _height: 250};
bo = {_width: 390, _height: 325};
_root.createEmptyMovieClip("s_b", 0);
_root.createEmptyMovieClip("b_b", 1);
_root.createEmptyMovieClip("s", 2);
_root.createEmptyMovieClip("b", 3);
_root.s.createEmptyMovieClip("view", 1);
_root.b.createEmptyMovieClip("view", 1);
_root.s.createEmptyMovieClip("line", 2);
var s_l = new Object();
s_l.onLoadInit = function (mc)
var _loc4 = mc._width;
var _loc5 = mc._height;
var _loc3 = Number(0);
_root.debug = "_w" + _loc4 + "|_h" + _loc5;
if (_loc4 > _root.so._width)
_root.debug = _root.debug + ("{so._w" + _root.so._width + "|w" + w + "}");
_loc3 = _root.so._width / _loc4;
mc._width = _root.so._width;
mc._height = _loc5 * _loc3;
_root.debug = _root.debug + "1111";
} // end if
_root.debug = _root.debug + ("{scale:" + _loc3 + "}");
if (so._height < mc._height)
if (_loc3 > 0)
_loc3 = _loc3 * (so._height / mc._height);
_root.debug = _root.debug + "222";
_loc3 = so._height / mc._height;
_root.debug = _root.debug + "333";
} // end else if
mc._height = so._height;
mc._width = _loc4 * _loc3;
_root.debug = _root.debug + "444";
_root.debug = _root.debug + ("scale" + _loc3 + "|" + mc._width);
} // end if
makeLine(_root.s_b, 1, 14474447, mc._width + 10, mc._height + 10, 16777215);
mc._parent._x = (Stage.width / 2 - mc._width) / 3;
mc._parent._y = (Stage.height - mc._height) / 2;
_root.s_b._x = mc._parent._x - 5;
_root.s_b._y = mc._parent._y - 5;
s_l.onLoadError = function (mc)
trace ("加载缩略图片时出现错误");
s_l.onLoadProgress = function (mc, l, a)
trace (l + " " + a);
s_l.onLoadStart = function (mc)
trace ("正在加载缩略图片");
s_l.onLoadComplete = function (mc)
trace ("缩略图片加载完毕");
var b_l = new Object();
b_l.onLoadInit = function (mc)
var _loc4 = mc._width;
var _loc3 = mc._height;
mc._parent._x = Stage.width / 2 + (Stage.width / 2 - bo._width) / 2 - 30;
mc._parent._y = (Stage.height - bo._height) / 2;
mc._parent.createEmptyMovieClip("zi", 2);
mc._parent.zi.attachMovie("zi", "zi", 1);
mc._parent.zi._x = bo._width / 2 - mc._parent.zi._width / 2;
_root.b_b._x = mc._parent._x - 5;
_root.b_b._y = mc._parent._y - 5 - mc._parent.zi._height;
mc._parent.createEmptyMovieClip("mask", 10);
makeLine(mc._parent.mask, 0, 16711680, bo._width, bo._height, 16711680);
makeLine(_root.b_b, 1, 14474447, bo._width + 10, mc._parent.zi._height + bo._height + 10, 16777215);
s1 = mc._width / _root.s.view._width;
s2 = mc._height / _root.s.view._height;
sc = s1 > s2 ? (s1) : (s2);
trace ("sc==" + sc);
_root.lw = lw = bo._width / sc;
_root.lh = lh = bo._height / sc;
trace ("line==w==" + lw + "==" + lh);
makeLine(_root.s.line, 1, 10066329, lw, lh);
if (_loc4 > bo._width || _loc3 > bo._height)
_root.s.onMouseMove = mm;
} // end else if
b_l.onLoadError = function (mc)
trace ("加载详细图片时出现错误");
b_l.onLoadProgress = function (mc, l, a)
trace (l + " " + a);
b_l.onLoadStart = function (mc)
trace ("正在加载详细图片");
b_l.onLoadComplete = function (mc)
trace ("详细图片加载完毕");
var mcloader = new MovieClipLoader();
mcloader.loadClip(_root.picxurl, _root.s.view);
var mcbloader = new MovieClipLoader();
mcbloader.loadClip(_root.picburl, _root.b.view);
var mn = new ContextMenu();
mn.customItems.push(new ContextMenuItem("中国收藏网", menu_f1, false));
mn.customItems.push(new ContextMenuItem("[email protected]", menu_f2, false));
_root.menu = mn;
第2个回答  2009-06-22

