


要有开头 中间 和 结尾 !比如这样的开头:If somenone offered to pay all my expensens for a month's holiday anywhere in the world.I would feel very surprised an very excited...等等~然后切入正题! 有没高手呀!!!555郁闷~~ 小妹在此跪求哪位高手帮帮忙呀!!

I have dreamed for a long time to go Eygpt .So ,I will spend the money in flying to Egypt and staying there for two weeks .
I will employ a translater at first ,because I can't speak the local language.Then having a good meal at a hotel .You know ,it's a pity for visitors not having the local food .I think , for the most of the vocation ,I will have a look at the Pyramid which is the crystallization of human wisdom and the Nile which is the mother of Egypt.
I think I will have a good time there.
第1个回答  2009-06-15
你什么时候要啊, 编这种东西到是没问题, 不过我晚上才有空- -
第2个回答  2009-06-15
I wanna go to Italy, just because it is so charming and romantic country, and it is famouse for her world-top-ranking design of clothes.