










  白云山自古以来就是广州有名的风景胜地,“蒲涧濂泉”、“ 白云晚望”、“ 景泰僧归”等,均被列入古代“羊城八景”。




  ■Cloudy Mountain & Lush Greenery (Baiyun Mountain)

  Baiyun Mountain, located at northeast part of Guangzhou, is one of the famous mountains of South Guangdong, and has been popularly known as the No. 1 Scenery of Guangzhou since ancient times. The mountain is also ranked No. 1 of the New Top Eight Famous Sceneries in Guangzhou, a National 4A Scenic Spot and a key Nationally Famous Scenic Site. Baiyun Mountain, a branch range of the Jiulian Mountain of Guangdong, is made up of more than 30 hills and covers an area of 20.98 square kilometers with its highest peak, Moxing Ridge, measuring 382 meters high. The mountain is rich in overlapping ridges and peaks, freely extending brooks and gullies. Tourists can enjoy a panoramic view of Guangzhou city and the distant Pearl River from the top of the mountain. Baiyun Mountain got its name from the floating clouds in the mountains in late spring or when the sky clears up after the rain, a spectacular scene one can visualize.

  Baiyun Mountain has been a famous scenic spot since distant past. Such scenic spots as "Lianquan Fountain at the Cattail Gully", "Rosy Cloud at Dusk in Baiyun Mountain", and "Returning Monks of Jingtai Temple" were selected as the "Top Eight Famous Sceneries in Guangzhou" in ancient China.

  Baiyun Mountain possesses a large variety of natural resources and rich vegetation, boasting some 876 kinds of plants, 5 of which are nationally protected rare plants or plants near extinction. Of the 657 wild plants, 86 belong to commercial wood, 343 herbal plants and 97 for ornament. At present, more than 95% of the Baiyun Mountain is covered by greenery, totaling 42, 000 mu (15mu=1hectare), according to official statistics. Baiyun Mountain absorbs 2,800 tons of carbon dioxide and emits 2,100 tons of oxygen every day, adequate for nearly 3 million people to breathe freely. So it is also called the "Lung of Guangzhou".

  Baiyun Mountain boasts a profound cultural heritage, which could be traced to the prehistoric cultural site of the New Stone Age at the Huang Po Cave north of the mountain. Zheng Anqi, a renowned scholar in the late Qin Dynasty (221B.C.-106 B.C.) lived in reclusion in the Baiyun Mountain, picking wild herbs to cure the local sick people, and became an immortal later on. Ge Hong (283-363), an alchemist from Jiangsu province in the Jin Dynasty (265-420), wrote the famous Taoist classic "Bao Pu Zi" on the Baiyun Mountain. Jingtai, a Buddhist monk, came and built the Jingtai Temple, the earliest temple on Baiyun Mountain in the South Liang Dynasty (502.-557). In the Tang (618-907) and Song Dynasties (960 -1279), renowned scholars, like Du Shenyan, Li Qunyu, Su Shi and Han Yu, came to climb the Baiyun Mountain, leaving behind them famous poems, which then became the treasured cultural and historic heritage of the Lingnan area (mainly Guangdong). Renowned figures in the Anti-French war (1884-1885) and the Jiawu
  Sino-Japanese War (1894-1895) of the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911) also paid visits to the mountain. After the founding of the People's Republic of China in 1949, revolutionary leaders of China including Zhu De, Dong Biwu and Guo Moruo left their epigraphs here, and then Premier Zhou Enlai and Vice Premier Chen Yi conducted state affairs activities in the Baiyun Mountain Villa, nicknamed as the Diaoyutai State Guest House of South China. After the opening-up of China in the late 1970s, many national and party leaders as well as foreign friends have visited the mountain and left their epigraphs here, enriching the cultural heritage of Baiyun Mountain.

  With the expansion of Guangzhou city, Baiyun Mountain has been merged with the city proper, becoming an ideal place for relaxation and recreation, and attracts more and more tourists. The annual visits of the mountain reach 5 million person-times now, with the daily visits between 20,000-30,000 person-times. The number of visits reaches 100,000-200,000 person-times during the major holidays, including the National Day, the Labor Day, the Double Ninth Day, and the Mid-autumn Festival.
第1个回答  2009-07-06
第2个回答  2009-07-11