


    The pale sun is drooping along mountain ridges
    Into their termini.
    The Yellow River is flowing
    Into the Pohai Sea.

2.The blazing sun behind the mountains goes;
The Yellow River toward the oceans flows.

3.the pale sun is sinking behind the mountain

and the yellow river is running toward the sea.

4.The white sun leaning on the mountain disappears,
The Yellow River flows on into the sea;


作者:王之涣 【唐代】 赏析




第1个回答  2015-01-02
Climbing the Guanque Tower

The bright sun is sinking behind the mountain,
The yellow river is running towards the ocean.
If you want to see one thousand miles, even the wider,
you need to climb one more storey, still the higher.

第2个回答  2019-08-23

1. The pale sun is drooping along mountain ridges
Into their termini.
The Yellow River is flowing
Into the Pohai Sea.
2.The blazing sun behind the mountains goes;
The Yellow River toward the oceans flows.
3.the pale sun is sinking behind the mountain
and the yellow river is running toward the sea.

4.The white sun leaning on the mountain disappears,
The Yellow River flows on into the sea;
第3个回答  推荐于2018-02-26

1Downhill goes a sun paler and paler,

Into the sea rushes the Yellow River

2The pale sun is drooping along mountain ridges
Into their termini.
The Yellow River is flowing
Into the Pohai Sea.

3The blazing sun behind the mountains goes;
The Yellow River toward the oceans flows.

the pale sun is sinking behind the mountain
and the yellow river is running toward the sea

The white sun leaning on the mountain disappears,
The Yellow River flows on into the sea;本回答被网友采纳
第4个回答  2015-01-02
The sun beyond the mountains glows; the Yellow Riverseawards flows