





翻译的好追加 想要分和我说

以父之名In the name of Father

微凉的晨露沾湿黑礼服石板路有雾父在低诉The chilly morning drops wetted the black robe. The slated path cushioned the fog.Father was murmuring.
无奈的觉悟只能更残酷一切都为了通往圣堂的路 Awake with gone despair only to recall the more cruelty. All done was for paving the path to the holy temple
吹不散的雾隐没了意图谁轻柔踱步停住 Unbreakable fog buried the plot.Who had been pacing about softly and abruptly stopped.
Hardly sobbed when a needling bulledt carried away the heat.
我们每个人都有罪犯著不同的罪 All of us are guilty and have crimed different sins
我能决定谁对谁又该要沈睡 But only I am able to judge who shall be free and who shall be gonna to forever sleep.
争论不能解决在永无止境的夜 Debating is never a solution in such an eternal cold night.
关掉你的嘴唯一的恩惠 Shutting up can be the only favour
挡在前面的人都有罪后悔也无路可退 All of the preventers in the way shall be guilty ,even regretting can’t rescure them.
以父之名判决那感觉没有适合词汇 Trial in the name of our Father .No suitable word can depict that feeling
就像边笑边掉泪凝视著完全的黑 It just like walking with sheding tears or staring at a total darkness.
阻挡悲剧蔓延的悲剧会让我沉醉Preventing the tragedy’s overspreading will make me heavily drunk.

低头亲吻我的左手换取被宽恕的承诺 Head down and kiss my left hand in exchange for the promise of forgiving.
An old classical organ setted in the corner was accompanying the scene from time to time.
黑色帘幕被风吹动阳光无言的穿透 Black curtains were pulled by wind And dim sunlight silently penetrated through.
洒向那群被我驯服后的兽 ,sprinkling on to that crowd of beasts tamed by me
沈默的喊叫沈默的喊叫孤单开始发酵 Calm was screaming Calm was screaming Loneliness began to ferment and
不停对著我嘲笑回忆逐渐延烧laughing at me constantly. Memories gradually spread and burn .
Once an innocent picture altogether with a cruel mercy suddenly occur to me.
It is the fragile time to let us pray.
#仁慈的父我已坠入看不见罪的国度请原谅我的自负 My merciful Father, I’ve fallen into the realm where any sin is acceptable. Please ,please forgive me for my once pride.
No one can understand No one have anything to understand. It is a unbearable burden as the back of honour is scarved with solitude.
闭上双眼我又看见当年那梦的画面天空是蒙蒙的雾 Closing my both eyes, I sight the picture of a dream coming from my childhood again. The sky was covered a thick grey fog.

Father holding my hands was walking quietly along the silent slated path in the dawn
(仁慈的父我已坠入看不见罪的国度请原谅我我的自负刻著一道孤独) My merciful Father, I’ve fallen into the realm where any sin is acceptable. Please ,please forgive me for my once pride carved in solitude.

那斑驳的家徽我擦拭了一夜孤独的光辉我才懂的感觉That rustic familial emblem has been wipe by me throughout the night. His lonely sparkles, I got to feel.
烛光不不停的摇晃猫头鹰在窗棂上对著远方眺望 Flames of candles kept swaying. An owl stood on the window frame was overlooking far away
通向大厅的长廊一样说不出的沧桑 Gateway leading to the hall underwent vicissitudes that poetry cannot describle all the same
没有喧嚣只有宁静围绕我慢慢睡著天刚刚破晓No noise from the world ,only silence environing here,I slowly got to sleep when day has broken
第1个回答  2009-07-02
A little cold and damp morning dew dress
Father of the stone on the road there were fog in low v.
But only a more brutal awareness
Leading to the church all the way to
Blowing the fog never the intention of subduction
Who gently stopped pacing
Also too late to cry through the temperature of the bullets on the away
We all have a crime
Committed the crime of a different
I can decide who to
Who should be sleeping in the
Argument can not be solved
In the endless night
Turn off your mouth
The only grace
Block in front of the crime has
Also have no regrets retreat
Decision to use the name of God
Feeling that no suitable vocabulary
Laughter is like one side of tears
Fully looked at the black
To stop the spread of the tragedy of the tragedy will allow me to indulge
Kiss my left hand bow
Be forgiven in exchange for commitments
Old organ in the corner
Has always been accompanied by
Black curtains were wind
Silent sunlight to penetrate
To those whom I have to tame the beast after
Silent scream silent cry
The beginning of fermentation alone
Non-stop at me laughing at
Gradually burning memories
The screen was pure
Appear cruel to tender
Vulnerable time
We pray together
Merciful Father, I have crashed into the
Country can not see the crime
Please forgive my conceit
No one can say that no one can say
Very difficult to bear
Behind carved glory alone together
Close their eyes I saw the
Dream was that the screen
The sky was misty fog
Father holding my hands
Gently through
The early morning quiet of the stone road
Additional translation good points and I want to say

第2个回答  2009-07-02
Gets wet the black formal clothes stone anode circuit name of
but by the father lyrics micro
cool morning dew to have the fog father lowly
to sue consciousness only to be able more brutal
all in order to pass the fog which the ancient sages hall
the road could not blow off to be hidden the bullet
which intention who walked slowly and aimlessly gently
step anchors also without enough time cries to pass through to carry off the temperature
we each people all guilty
to commit the different crime
I to be able to decide who
should want the deep sleep to who
to argue will not be able to solve
in forever the without limits night
switches off your mouth
only kindness
to keep off in the front people all guilty
regretted also did not have the road to be possible to draw back
name of by the father decides
that feeling not to suit the glossary
to smile on the elephant nearbySheds tears
stares at the complete black
impediment tragedy spread tragedy to be able to let me immerse
lowers the head kisses my left hand
receiving in exchange for the pledge obsolete pipe organ
which forgives in the quoin
continuously to accompany the black curtain
curtain to move continuously continuously by the wind
the sunlight not to have the word penetration
to sprinkle to that group is tamed by me after the beast
silence to yell the silence to yell
starts to ferment lonelily
stops treats I to ridicule
the recollection burnt once
the pure picture cruelly
gently to appear the frail
time gradually
to pray to us the benevolent
father I to crash into together
cannot see the crime the state
please to forgive me to be proud
nobody to be able to say nobody might say
difficult to withstand
the glory the behind to engrave lonely is closing
togetherBoth eyes I also saw
same year that dream the picture
sky am the misty fog
father pull my both hands
gently to pass through
the early morning that peaceful stone anode circuit
translation the good supplement wish to divide and me said
第3个回答  2009-07-02
light cool wet black dress of the morning dew
Father of the stone on the road there were fog in low v.
But only a more brutal awareness
Leading to the church all the way to
Blowing the fog never the intention of subduction
Who gently stopped pacing
Also too late to cry through the temperature of the bullets on the away

We all have a crime
Committed the crime of a different
I can decide who to
Who should be sleeping in the
Argument can not be solved
In the endless night
Turn off your mouth
The only grace
Block in front of the crime has
Also have no regrets retreat
As my father's decision
Feeling that no suitable vocabulary
Like tears with smile
Fully looked at the black
To stop the spread of the tragedy of the tragedy will allow me to indulge

Kiss my left hand bow
Be forgiven in exchange for commitments
Old organ in the corner
Has always been accompanied by
Black curtains were wind
Silent sunlight to penetrate
throwing up to those whom I have to tame the beast after
Silent scream silent cry
The beginning of fermentation alone
Non-stop at me laughing at
Gradually burning memories
The screen was pure
Appear cruel to tender
Vulnerable time
We pray together

Merciful Father, I have crashed into the
Country can not see the crime
Please forgive my conceit
No one can say that no one can say
so difficult bear
Behind carved glory alone together

Close their eyes I saw the
Dream was that the screen
The sky was misty fog

Father holding my hands
Gently through
The early morning quiet of the stone road

第4个回答  2009-07-02
A little cold and damp morning dew dress
Father of the stone on the road there were fog in low v.
But only a more brutal awareness
Leading to the church all the way to
Blowing the fog never the intention of subduction
Who gently stopped pacing
Also too late to cry through the temperature of the bullets on the away
We all have a crime
Committed the crime of a different
I can decide who to
Who should be sleeping in the
Argument can not be solved
In the endless night
Turn off your mouth
The only grace
Block in front of the crime has
Also have no regrets retreat
Decision to use the name of God
Feeling that no suitable vocabulary
Laughter is like one side of tears
Fully looked at the black
To stop the spread of the tragedy of the tragedy will allow me to indulge
Kiss my left hand bow
Be forgiven in exchange for commitments
Old organ in the corner
Has always been accompanied by
Black curtains were wind
Silent sunlight to penetrate
To those whom I have to tame the beast after
Silent scream silent cry
The beginning of fermentation alone
Non-stop at me laughing at
Gradually burning memories
The screen was pure
Appear cruel to tender
Vulnerable time
We pray together
Merciful Father, I have crashed into the
Country can not see the crime
Please forgive my conceit
No one can say that no one can say
Very difficult to bear
Behind carved glory alone together
Close their eyes I saw the
Dream was that the screen
The sky was misty fog
Father holding my hands
Gently through
The early morning quiet of the stone road
Additional translation good points and I want to say

Gets wet the black formal clothes stone anode circuit name of
but by the father lyrics micro
cool morning dew to have the fog father lowly
to sue consciousness only to be able more brutal
all in order to pass the fog which the ancient sages hall
the road could not blow off to be hidden the bullet
which intention who walked slowly and aimlessly gently
step anchors also without enough time cries to pass through to carry off the temperature
we each people all guilty
to commit the different crime
I to be able to decide who
should want the deep sleep to who
to argue will not be able to solve
in forever the without limits night
switches off your mouth
only kindness
to keep off in the front people all guilty
regretted also did not have the road to be possible to draw back
name of by the father decides
that feeling not to suit the glossary
to smile on the elephant nearbySheds tears
stares at the complete black
impediment tragedy spread tragedy to be able to let me immerse
lowers the head kisses my left hand
receiving in exchange for the pledge obsolete pipe organ
which forgives in the quoin
continuously to accompany the black curtain
curtain to move continuously continuously by the wind
the sunlight not to have the word penetration
to sprinkle to that group is tamed by me after the beast
silence to yell the silence to yell
starts to ferment lonelily
stops treats I to ridicule
the recollection burnt once
the pure picture cruelly
gently to appear the frail
time gradually
to pray to us the benevolent
father I to crash into together
cannot see the crime the state
please to forgive me to be proud
nobody to be able to say nobody might say
difficult to withstand
the glory the behind to engrave lonely is closing
togetherBoth eyes I also saw
same year that dream the picture
sky am the misty fog
father pull my both hands
gently to pass through
the early morning that peaceful stone anode circuit
translation the good supplement wish to divide and me said

light cool wet black dress of the morning dew
Father of the stone on the road there were fog in low v.
But only a more brutal awareness
Leading to the church all the way to
Blowing the fog never the intention of subduction
Who gently stopped pacing
Also too late to cry through the temperature of the bullets on the away

We all have a crime
Committed the crime of a different
I can decide who to
Who should be sleeping in the
Argument can not be solved
In the endless night
Turn off your mouth
The only grace
Block in front of the crime has
Also have no regrets retreat
As my father's decision
Feeling that no suitable vocabulary
Like tears with smile
Fully looked at the black
To stop the spread of the tragedy of the tragedy will allow me to indulge

Kiss my left hand bow
Be forgiven in exchange for commitments
Old organ in the corner
Has always been accompanied by
Black curtains were wind
Silent sunlight to penetrate
throwing up to those whom I have to tame the beast after
Silent scream silent cry
The beginning of fermentation alone
Non-stop at me laughing at
Gradually burning memories
The screen was pure
Appear cruel to tender
Vulnerable time
We pray together

Merciful Father, I have crashed into the
Country can not see the crime
Please forgive my conceit
No one can say that no one can say
so difficult bear
Behind carved glory alone together

Close their eyes I saw the
Dream was that the screen
The sky was misty fog

Father holding my hands
Gently through
The early morning quiet of the stone road
第5个回答  2009-07-02
凉wet black dress of the morning dew
Father of the stone on the road there were fog in low v.
But only a more brutal awareness
Leading to the church all the way to
Blowing the fog never the intention of subduction
Who gently stopped pacing
Also too late to cry through the temperature of the bullets on the away

We all have a crime
Committed the crime of a different
I can decide who to
Who should be sleeping in the
Argument can not be solved
In the endless night
Turn off your mouth
The only grace
Block in front of the crime has
Also have no regrets retreat
Feeling that no suitable vocabulary
Like tears边笑边
Fully looked at the black
To stop the spread of the tragedy of the tragedy will allow me to indulge

Kiss my left hand bow
Be forgiven in exchange for commitments
Old organ in the corner
Has always been accompanied by
Black curtains were wind
Silent sunlight to penetrate
洒向those whom I have to tame the beast after
Silent scream silent cry
The beginning of fermentation alone
Non-stop at me laughing at
Gradually burning memories
The screen was pure
Appear cruel to tender
Vulnerable time
We pray together

Merciful Father, I have crashed into the
Country can not see the crime
Please forgive my conceit
No one can say that no one can say
Behind carved glory alone together

Close their eyes I saw the
Dream was that the screen
The sky was misty fog

Father holding my hands
Gently through
The early morning quiet of the stone road
Additional translation good points and I want to say