
这张照片上的是我,这张照片上的是王新宇,我们今天下午去青岛59中报到,我们都很兴奋,你什么时候过生日?全班同学都希望你回国看看。我的爸爸想知道加拿大的的街、restaurant and supermarket 是怎样的?你能听懂那里人说的话吗?你寄来的信大体意思我知道了,那里的雪真的能到膝盖吗?我从来没见到过。我们毕业班的昨天晚上去潜艇学院大礼堂开毕业典礼了,我是领唱的,领唱的还有刘慧雯、王新宇、韩佳明,王新宇完全跑掉了,我还好,昨天的毕业典礼我们班表演的很糟糕。你们班一共有多少同学?你们几点上学几点放学?两年没和你联系了~~我当然有很多问题问你。你回信时最好用中文,有些单词句子我还要翻着字典,上网查找我才能知道,那样很麻烦~~你们班里有漂亮的女生吗?有空发图片给我看吧~~



This photo is me, this photograph is Wang Xinyu, we Qingdao this afternoon to 59 in the report, we are very excited when your birthday? The whole class would like to take a look at your home. I would like to know the father of the Street, Canada, restaurant and supermarket is like? You can understand where people say then? Letter you sent the whole meaning I know, where the snow can really do to the knee? I have never没见到过. The last night of our graduating class to the auditorium open Submarine Academy graduation ceremony, I was singing, and singing are Josephine, WANG Xin-yu, Han-ming, WANG Xin-yu completely gone, I Fortunately, yesterday's graduation ceremony in our class very bad performance. The total number of classes your students? Some points from school to school you? Two years and you did not contact the ~ ~ I, of course, ask you a lot of problems. When you reply to the best in Chinese, some I would also like to adjust the sentence the word dictionary, Internet search, I can know that as a very troublesome ~ ~ you have beautiful girls in class do? Fat free picture for me Check it out ~ ~
第1个回答  2009-07-03
This picture is me, the picture is in the afternoon, we went to influence for locomotor 59 in Qingdao, we are all very excited report, when is your birthday? The class are you return to see. My father want to know the restaurant street, Canada and supermarket is? Can you understand what people say there? The letter you sent me know the meaning in the snow, there really can be to knee? I have never seen. We graduating class's last night to submarine college graduation ceremony, open the auditorium, and I sang the lead and sang the lead LiuHuiWen, influence for locomotor, HanJiaMing, influence for locomotor completely ran off, I'm fine, yesterday's graduation ceremony we class performance is very bad. How many students in your class? What time do you finish school? What school You two don't touch and of course, there are many ~ ~ I ask you questions. Your letter to use English, some words I will turn the sentences, Internet search my dictionary can know, that is very troublesome ~ ~ you have beautiful girl? I look for free send pictures ~
