

第1个回答  推荐于2018-03-05
I like the star is luhan. He has a pair of bright eyes and clever little nose, and a small mouth, is typical. He is a member of EXO combination. He is good at singing and dancing, or EXO inside the window to play. He this year 25 years old, but very ruddy complexion, others can not see he is 25 years old.His smile is very charming. So I like him very much. Finally I want to say: EXO We are one!
具体翻译:我喜欢的明星是鹿晗。他有一双闪亮的大眼睛和灵巧的小鼻子,还有小小的嘴巴,是典型的巴掌脸。他是EXO组合的成员。他擅长唱歌和跳舞,还是EXO里面的门面担当。他今年25岁,可是很童颜,别人都看不出来他25岁。他的笑容很迷人。所以我很喜欢他。最后我想说:EXO We are one!本回答被网友采纳
第2个回答  2014-05-24