
Gusteau: lf you are hungry, go up and look around, Remy. Why do you wait and mope?

Remy: Well, I've just lost my family, all my friends, probably forever.

Gusteau: How do you know?

Remy: You are an illustration. Why am I talking to you?

Gusteau: Well, you just lost your family, all your friends. You are lonely.

Remy: Yeah. Well, you're dead.

Gusteau: Ah, but that is no match for wishful thinking. If you focus on what you've left behind, you'll never be able to see what lies ahead. Now go up and look around. What are you doing?

Remy: I'm hungry. I don't know where I am, and I don't know when I'll find food again.

Gusteau: Remy, you are better than that. You are a cook. A cook makes. A thief takes. You are not a thief.

Remy: But I am hungry.

Gusteau: Food will come, Remy. Food always comes to those who love to cook.

Unidentified male: That’s right! You don't have that guts.

Remy: Paris? All this time I've been underneath Paris? Wow. It's beautiful.

Gusteau: The most beautiful.

Remy: Gusteau's? Your restaurant? You've led me to your restaurant.

Gusteau: It seems as though I have. Yes. There it is! I have led you to it!

Remy: I got to see this.

Voiceover1: Ready to go on table seven.

Collette Tatou: Coming around.

Voiceover2: One order of steamed pike up.

Voiceover3: Coming up.

Voiceover4: I need more soup bowls, please.

Collette Tatou: I need two rack of lamb. I need more leeks.

Unidentified male1: I need two salmon, three salade composee, and three filet.

Voiceover5: Three orders of salade composee working.

Unidentified male2: Firing two orders, seared salmon.

Collette Tatou: Three filet working. I need plates.

Voiceover6: Fire seven. -Three salade composee up.

Voiceover7: I'm getting burnt.

Gusteau: 如果你饿了,就上楼去看看吧。小米,为什么一个人在这里闷闷不乐的等着呢?
Remy: 当然,我刚刚与我的家人和我所有的朋友失去了联系,可能永远也不会联系上他们了.
Gusteau: 你怎么知道呢?
Remy: 你只是一个幻像。为什么我会和你说话?
Gusteau: 你刚刚失去了你的家人与朋友,你很孤单.
Remy: 是的,当然,你已经死了.
Gusteau: 哦,是的。但是它并不影响你的空想.如果你对于已经过去的事很重视的话,你将不会看到眼前将会发生的事.现在上楼去看看吧.你在做什么?
Gusteau: 小米,你最好还是不要那样.你是一个厨师. 厨师做食物,窃贼偷食物. 你不是一个贼.
Remy: 但是我现在很饿.
Gusteau: 食物会来的,小米. 食物总是会为那些爱烹饪的人而来.
Unidentified male: 当然! 你没有那个胆量.
Remy: 巴黎? 我一直都在巴黎的下面? 哇,巴黎太美了.
Gusteau: 最美丽的.
Remy: Gusteau餐厅? 你的餐厅? 你把我带到了你的餐厅.
Gusteau: 那看起来我确实是这样做了. 是的,就在这里! 我把你带到了这里!
Remy: 我看到了.
Voiceover1: 把这个给七桌的客人.
Collette Tatou: 快点.
Voiceover2: 有一桌客人点了steamed pike up.
Voiceover3: 快点上.
Voiceover4: 我需要更多的汤料,快点.
Collette Tatou:我需要两搁板的羊肉. 我需要更多的韭菜.
Unidentified male1: 我需要两个三文鱼, 三份沙拉, 和三个里脊。
Voiceover5: 三号桌点的沙拉正在做.
Unidentified male2:贰号桌的客人在催, 烤鳗鱼.
Collette Tatou: 三个里脊正在做.我需要盘子.
Voiceover6: 七号桌在催. -三份沙拉快点.
Voiceover7: 我正在烤.
第1个回答  2009-07-15
Gusteau :如果你是饿了,去和环顾四周,雷米。你为什么要等待和烦闷?
Gusteau :你怎么知道的?
Gusteau :嗯,你刚才失去了你的家人,所有的朋友。你是孤独的。
Gusteau :啊,这是根本不能相提并论一厢情愿。如果您专注于您所留下的,你永远无法看到摆在面前。现在就去和环顾四周。您在做什么?
Gusteau :雷米,你比。您是一位厨师。库克使。一个小偷需要。你不是小偷。
Gusteau :粮食会,雷米。粮食总是那些谁爱做饭。
Gusteau :最美丽的。
雷米: Gusteau的?您的餐馆吗?您使我的餐厅。
Gusteau :这好像我。是。有啊!我领导你了!
Voiceover1 :准备好表7 。
托尼科Tatou :即将周围。
Voiceover2 :一是为了蒸派克行动。
Voiceover3 :即将上涨。
Voiceover4 :我需要更多的汤碗,请。
托尼科Tatou :我需要两个机架的羔羊。我需要更多的韭菜。
身份不明的male1 :我需要两个鲑鱼,三salade composee和三个里脊。
Voiceover5 :三个数量salade composee工作。
身份不明的male2 :发射两枚订单,烤鲑鱼。
托尼科Tatou :三里脊工作。我需要车牌。
Voiceover6 :消防7 。三salade composee了。
Voiceover7 :我收到烧毁。
第2个回答  2009-07-15

Gusteau: lf you are hungry, go up and look around, Remy. Why do you wait and mope?
古斯托:如果饿了就上去四处看看,雷米。为什么在这里闷闷不乐? (场景在下水道)

Remy: Well, I've just lost my family, all my friends, probably forever.
雷米: 恩,我刚刚失去了家人,所有的朋友,也许是永远的失去。

Gusteau: How do you know?

Remy: You are an illustration. Why am I talking to you?

Gusteau: Well, you just lost your family, all your friends. You are lonely.

Remy: Yeah. Well, you're dead.

Gusteau: Ah, but that is no match for wishful thinking. If you focus on what you've left behind, you'll never be able to see what lies ahead. Now go up and look around. What are you doing?
但是有了求知的欲望就好。如果你一味留意过去,你将永远看不见前方的道路。现在上去四处看一看。 你在做什么? (这一句在雷米上去后找到面包刚刚要吃的时候)

Remy: I'm hungry. I don't know where I am, and I don't know when I'll find food again.

Gusteau: Remy, you are better than that. You are a cook. A cook makes. A thief takes. You are not a thief.
雷米,你当然要比这好多了。你是一个厨师。 厨师创造,贼才会偷东西。你不是一个贼。

Remy: But I am hungry.

Gusteau: Food will come, Remy. Food always comes to those who love to cook.

Unidentified male: That’s right! You don't have that guts.

Remy: Paris? All this time I've been underneath Paris? Wow. It's beautiful.
巴黎??我这么久以来一直在巴黎的下水道里? 天啊它好美。

Gusteau: The most beautiful.

Remy: Gusteau's? Your restaurant? You've led me to your restaurant.
古斯托餐厅? 你的餐厅? 你把我引到了你的餐厅。

Gusteau: It seems as though I have. Yes. There it is! I have led you to it!

Remy: I got to see this.

Voiceover1: Ready to go on table seven.

Collette Tatou: Coming around.

Voiceover2: One order of steamed pike up.

Voiceover3: Coming up.

Voiceover4: I need more soup bowls, please.

Collette Tatou: I need two rack of lamb. I need more leeks.

Unidentified male1: I need two salmon, three salade composee, and three filet.

Voiceover5: Three orders of salade composee working.

Unidentified male2: Firing two orders, seared salmon.

Collette Tatou: Three filet working. I need plates.

Voiceover6: Fire seven. -Three salade composee up.

Voiceover7: I'm getting burnt.