

There is nothing wrong with having a dream - what's wrong is that you are afraid to fight for it or accomplish it.

Everyone has dreams. A dream is like a belief, a pillar that supports our thoughts. Likewise, when the dream is shattered into pieces, the heart and will are destroyed and the spirit falls. One loses the will to fight. You will slowly lose faith, and find life meaningless, and gradually become a seperate individual from the rest of the world, someone different from the other beings. No one will take any notice of you, and your life will pass quietly with no attention placed on you.

还有什么问题可以问我!加油哦! :) 个人认为这个还是很准确的翻译。
第1个回答  2014-12-01
People have a dream is not wrong, wrong is you did not dare to fight, not to complete.
Everyone has a dream, the dream is the God, is a pillar, support of our thoughts; antiits, shattered dreams, the mind is destroyed, the spirit of people without fighting forceburst. Slowly lost confidence, feel no meaning of life, slowly became and this world is not the same person, is isolated, no attention, unknown to the public of their ownthrough life.