

  The flight of time, Time flies like a shuttle., a twinkling of an eye, already in 2030. I have already won two times Nobel prize. Now I would like to tell you about the two great inventions of me!
  The first is the data compression apparatus, is just to solve the population problem with it. This instrument is mainly divided into three parts, the first part is the transition zone, it is to let the body at the speed of rotation, when a certain speed, it will be sent to the section of human decompression zone second, zone in the decompression, the body decomposed rapidly, and compressed into data, and then enter the third part of the data area, human beings have suitable for living the conditions here, can let the person in this life. Then the data compression apparatus, use it to solve the pollution does not have. This instrument also is divided into three parts, the first part is the decomposition zone, no matter what things are decomposed into fragments, and then into the treatment area, and data compression solution instrument like objects into data, then becomes the data, the machine will not reuse something left in the treatment and recovery of Qu Li, Qu Li, the system will automatically the useless items into two tons of useful articles in here.
  You may ask: if the instrument by the virus or hacker do attack? No problem if the virus attack, the attacker will only is attacked by viruses, if hackers, will bring the latest virus directly attack the past.
  You may ask: how do power? No problem, there are 18 fusion satellite in the universe, they will absorb the universe to radiation and solar energy, and then through the cable, the energy to the ground receiving platform, here will be energy to power supply.
  In short, science is a doubleedged sword, as long as you pay attention, and to use them in the right path, it will benefit mankind.




第1个回答  2015-04-18


第2个回答  2015-04-18