

award n. 奖,奖品 v. 授予,给予 vt. 授予 用作名词时,这个通常是指参加比赛得到的奖励 例句: 1.She has been awarded a scholarship to study at Harvard. 她获得了去哈佛大学读书的奖学金。 The referee awarded a free kick. 2.裁判员判定罚一个任意球。 The award for this year's best actress went to Meryl Streep. 3.本年度最佳女演员的得奖者是梅里尔·斯特里普。 honour ['�0�0n�0�5] n. 光荣 vt 尊敬 这个用作名词时,通常指别人评价上的荣耀 用作动词时,也可作荣获 1.May I have the honour of this dance? 可以赏光和我跳这个舞吗? 2.I promise I'll pay you back, on my honour. 我以人格担保,一定把钱还给你。 3.Fifty heads of state attended the Queen's coronation to do her honour. 五十位国家元首参加了女王的加冕典礼,向女王表示敬意。 4.I feel honour bound to attend because I promised I would. 我觉得不参加不大好,因为是我答应过的事。 present [pri'zent] (用作动词时这么读) n. 礼物,现在 adj. 现在的,出席的,当面的 v. 赠送,提出,呈现 意思就是以上三个可做名词、形容词、动词啊 例句: 1.Has the builder presented his bill yet? (用作动词) 营造商把帐单送来了吗? 2.How many people were present at the meeting? (用作形容词) 有多少人出席会议? 3.He gave me his present to me (用作名词,礼物) reward n. 报酬,酬谢,赏金 v. 奖赏,酬谢 看意思就知道区别啦这个 就是你做了事情别人应该给你的报酬 例句: 1.They promised to make it worth her while (ie pay or reward her) if she would take part. 他们许诺说她要是参加就一定给她报酬. 2.By rights, half the reward should be mine. 按理说, 有一半奖赏应该是我的. 3.You have received a just reward. 你已得到了应有的报酬。 4.She deserves a reward for her efforts. 她积极努力, 应得到奖赏.