

One of my favorite celebrities are great nightingale
Florence Nightingale was born in Britain in 1820, a wealthy family. Her parents hope she study of literature and art. Regardless of her parents' objection, resolutely choose a nurse.
By the 1950s, the Crimean war, Britain's battlefield warriors mortality at 42%. Florence Nightingale initiative for field nurses. She tried to eliminate all kinds of difficulties, the solution for injuries to food and supplies for them, the nursing. Every night, her hand, the lamp patrol tele-education affectionately known her for ms lantern. After the war, the nightingale was returned to England, people for a national hero.
In 1910, nightingale died. For the expression of her admiration, people put her birthday - May 12th as "international nurses day".
After the nightingale died, follow her wills, not a state funeral. Later she is "etc the angel" and "lantern."

第1个回答  2013-09-30
李白(701年-762年),字太白,号青莲居士,唐朝浪漫主义诗人,被后人誉为“诗仙”。祖籍陇西成纪,出生于碎叶城(当时属唐朝领土,今属吉尔吉斯斯坦),4岁再随父迁至剑南道绵州。李白存世诗文千余篇,有《李太白集》传世。762年病逝,享年61岁。其墓在今安徽当涂,四川江油、湖北安陆有纪念馆。李白生活在盛唐时期,二十五岁时只身出蜀,开始了广泛漫游生活,南到洞庭湘江,东至吴、越,寓居在安陆、应山。直到天宝元年(742年),因道士吴筠的推荐,李白被召至长安,供奉翰林,后因不能见容于权贵,在京仅两年半,就赐金放还而去,然后继续飘荡四方的漫游生活。李白和杜甫并称“大李杜”。他的诗歌既反映了时代的繁荣景象,也揭露了统治阶级的荒淫和腐败,表现出蔑视权贵,反抗传统束缚,追求自由和理想的积极精神。Li bai (701-762), the word is too white, violet rove, tang dynasty, the romantic poet, was later known as "god".Originally from west gansu chengji.this, born in broken leaf (at that time, belong to the tang dynasty territory, now belong to kyrgyzstan), 4 years old with father moved to bo continous state again.There li bai's poems more than thousand, there is the hyperbole "handed down from ancient times.Died in 762 at the age of 762.The tomb in today anhui DangTu, jiangyou, sichuan, hubei AnLiu memorial.Li bai life in the tang period, at the age of twenty-five alone out of shu, started wandering life, dongting xiangjiang river, south to east to wu, the more, living in AnLiu YingShan.Until tianbao the first year (742), because the Taoist Wu Jun recommendation, li bai was called to changan, to worship the academician, because I can't correspond with dignitaries as their agents, after only two and a half years in Beijing, it has lots of gold, and then continue to waft sifang wandering life.Li bai and du fu and said "big li bai".His poetry reflects both the prosperity of The Times, it also shows how dissolute and corruption of the ruling class show disdain dignitaries as their agents, against traditional bondage, the pursuit of freedom and ideal positive spirit