

Hello the first place,we indicate our position:College is a transitional period in our are supposed to adapt to the society and amativeness is an important part of hold the view that amativeness among the college students does more good than harm.
The first reason:A College is a society in reasonable is allowed to happen here,so it’s no wrong to fall in love
Furthermore,it can build up our sense of two people fall in love,they’ll learn to care,to be lenient and to take on responsibility contributes to our are such essential qualities and act as preparation for our future life and work.
What’s more,it will be a memorable experience and add a sweet flavor to our will be the most colorful period of our we look back upon it,we will always feel very eudemonic
In a word,love on campus is beneficial.
I think rather among college students does more harm than hold this view basing on the following reasons:
First of all,it affects our students in love often spend much time in dating,even when taking tutorial classes,they are still of the time they will stay together,but what’s the time for studying?Secondly,it will cost you much our college life,it’s our parents who pay for both our living and are not independent in about it,How much of your parents' sweat can purchase you the momentary sweetness of insane love
Last,when two students fall in love,they’ll lose the enthusiasm in group activities to some will lead to a distance with the classmates,and do harm to the harmony of the collective.
All in all,we stick to the point above.
对方辩友,my fellow debaters
开始的.陈词,Honorable judges,distinguished guests,ladies and gentlemen.后来的部分就和一般的议论问差不多了.
然后加点题外话:陈述的时候一定要自信,把握好时间,如果到后来时间到,你却没陈述完的时候也要保持自信,微笑,不管他们,把话说完,所以陈述部分的最后几句一定要背熟练.别忘了说THANK YOU.
如果想要驳斥对方的逻辑,进行假设:according to your logic