

1. 卡地亚Love手镯的材质种类
2. Love手镯的设计背景
Contrary to popular belief, the Love bracelet was not designed at the Parisian headquarters of Cartier, but rather emerged from a New York City brainstorming session in 1969.
3. Love手镯的形态与适用性
The bracelet is crafted in an elliptical shape to closely fit around the wearer's wrist, suitable for both men and women. It has been colloquially dubbed "the modern love handcuff," as it requires a screwdriver to fasten securely.
4. 卡地亚手镯的真假鉴别方法
- Packaging: Authentic Cartier packaging is distinctive, with a festive and luxurious feel. The red box is large, featuring intricate gold trim, and the logo is printed on the outside. Counterfeit boxes often appear less精致 and may have a flattened appearance with inferior gold printing.
- Color: Genuine Cartier Love bracelets, whether in 18K gold or rose gold, should have a vibrant golden or rose-gold color. Fakes tend to have a darker, more metallic hue.
- Engraving: The difference between genuine and fake Cartier Love bracelets can be seen in the engraving on the inside of the bracelet. Authentic pieces feature a copyright symbol ©, while fakes may use a trademark symbol®.
- The letter "O": One way to distinguish between authentic and fake Cartier Love bracelets is by examining the middle bar of the letter "O," which should have a U-shaped indentation in genuine pieces.
- Diamond quality: As a high-end brand, Cartier uses carefully selected diamonds. The clarity of the diamonds in genuine Cartier Love bracelets is superior, with fewer impurities visible to the naked eye compared to fakes.
- Screwdriver design: The design of the screwdriver used to open the bracelet is also indicative of authenticity. Genuine screwdrivers are golden in color, have a wider head, and a certain curvature, while counterfeit screwdrivers may have an off-color finish, a narrower head, and lack curvature.