呢段英文入面ge "making long runs of"


"Making long runs of..." 这里"making long runs of"内的run意思是".(依据Free Online Dictionary) the production achieved during a continuous period of operation
especially of a machine or factory在一段连续运作时间内的生产,尤指一部机噐或一间工厂的生产。" 所以"making long runs of"解「长期生产」,而全句"These were hierarchical and bureaucratic anizations making long runs of standardised products."的 解译是:『这些是长期都在生产标准化产品的阶级化和官僚化组织。』 意思是『阶级化和官僚化的组织都保守,制造的产品没有创意。』
参考: thefreedictionary/run
long run 这个词语本身是指「长远」,例如: long run goal 就是「长远目标」 in long run 就是「长远来说」 而这里的 making long runs of ...... 的意思是「长远地环绕 ...... 做下去」 整句的意思是: 这些是充满阶级和制度、长远地环绕标准化产品做下去的组织。 就是因为这些组织充满阶级和制度,所以改变很难,一成不变的标准化产品反而更适合它们哦。 希望帮到你。
参考: 自己
An attempt to wer :- The meaning of the sentence
simply:-the final standardized products---Sub
is the purpose of----verb the classfied&official authorities-----object; The meaning of making long run=eg:-HKU =The final standardized products =Standardize the presentation of your exam results
making out BA; B Sc. e
These were hierarchical and bureaucratic anizations making long runs of standardised products. 最终制成标准化的产品是属于这些分级和官吏化机构的目的。 注解:making long runs of==制成.............为最终的目的
参考: 部分根据中国香港牛津大学出版社的英文字典