come in/into


而且in的词性是介词 那into呢


请详细一点 谢谢了^^



come in动词+副词

Long hair for men is coming in these days.(现在男士长发很流行。)这里come in表示流行,时髦。

Strawberries will be coming in soon.(草莓很快就要上市了。)这里come in表示农作物、水果等当季,上市。

Number three well came in last night.(三号油井昨晚开始产油。)这里come in表示开始生产。

Which horse came in first? (哪匹马跑第一?)这里come in表示赛跑中取得名次。

This is where you come in; we want you to help us get a bank loan. (你的任务就是协助获取银行贷款。)这里come in 表示参与某事,在某事中起作用。可以用介词on指明参与的事情,如

Can I come in on your plan? (我能参与你的计划吗?)

I heard you talking about sharing out the money, but where do I come in?(听说你要分这笔钱,我有什么好处?)这里come in表示从某事中得益。如果不说where do I come in,而用how much can I get,那就显得太直白了。

President Bush’s Iraq policies have come in for much criticism in the newspapers.(布什总统的伊拉克政策遭到报纸广泛抨击。)这里come in for 表示引起关注,受到批评或表扬。

I don’t like a garden party with crowds of people coming in on me.(我不喜欢很多人在身边挤来挤去的游园会。)这里come in on someone表示围在某人身边使人感到不快。

Suddenly it came in on me that I had left the key behind.(我突然想起把钥匙拉下了。)这里come in on someone表示使某人想起某事。

Don’t throw that empty box away, it might come in handy another time.(别把那个空盒子扔了,可能以后还会派上用场。)come in handy/useful表示有一定用处。

When my ship comes in, I’ll send my children abroad.(我有钱了就把子女送到国外去。)when one’s ship comes in表示发财了,成为富人。如果不假思索地直译成“船来了就把子女送到国外去”,那就闹大笑话了。

It’s often to one’s advantage to come in on the ground floor.(从基层做起对一个人是有好处的。)come/get in on the ground floor表示从基层或创业开始做某种工作,买新发行的股票等。

come into动词+介词

Athina came into a huge fortune when her mother died.(母亲死后雅典娜继承了一大笔遗产。)这里come into表示继承某事物。雅典娜是希腊船王奥纳西斯(Aristotle Onassis)的外孙女,她母亲克里斯蒂娜(Christina Onassis)1988年因心脏病去世时她才3岁,是当时世界上最富的小女孩。

The trade bureau has asked all the shop owners to come into line with the price regulations.(工商局要求所有商家遵守价格限制。)come into line with something表示遵守某种规则。

It’s a good thing that the mayor’s wrong doing has at last come into the open.(市长丑行终于暴光,这是好事。)come into the open意思是为公众所知道。

The scientific study of dreams has not yet come into its own.(关于梦的科学研究还没有成气候。)come into one’s own意思是获得独立,得到承认。

Who knows what factors come into play when these decisions are made?(谁知道作出这些决定后哪些因素会起作用。)come into play表示有影响,起作用。
第1个回答  2010-07-04
come in 后不加宾语 比如说:---May I come in? ---Come in.
come into 后要加宾语 比如说:come into a room