

第1个回答  2016-05-09
  More common is the daily life of Chinese and business Chinese, Chinese and oral courses are also popular with the majority of students, if there is a certain basis, but also to learn cultural courses and Chinese。51yuanchuang。com。 characters. No basis for foreigners want to learn Chinese? Oral course is more appropriate, learning Chinese must learn Chinese spoken language.较为常见的是日常生活汉语和商务汉语,中,华代,笔网,汉语和口语课程也比较受广大学子的欢迎,如果有一定的基础,还可以学习文化课程和汉字课程。 没有基础的外国人想学中文?口语课程比较合适,学汉语一定要学好汉语口语。