求外研版英语报纸答案 高三版 总第3265期第三十七期


11-15 CBBCA 16-20 BBABC
21-25 DBCDA 26-30DBCBA
31-35 BBBAC 36-40GDCEB
41-45 DBBCA 46-50ADBCD
51-55 AADDB 56-60CACBC
61. but 62.what
63. happiness 64. pushing
65. on 66.bravely
67. has spoken 68. who / that
69. a 70.to start
71. ... for first time. first前加the
72. ... then went out. out→ in
73. ... two and three ... and → or
74. ... buying a second ...
buying → bought
75. ... she came out ... she → he
76. ... another tickets.
tickets → ticket
77. ... office asks him ... asks → asked
78. ... more tickets? 去掉more
79. ... have not friends ... not → no
80. ... ticket for pieces.” for → into / to
One possible version:
Dear Nervous Lin,
Many people are afraid of public speaking.You are not the only one so don't worry.
Here are some tips to help you deal withyour problem. First of all you should practice giving your presentation infront of a mirror until you feel confident. This way you'll have less stress.There are also certain things you can do right before and during yourpresentation. Before starting, you should do some kind of physical activity tohelp reduce your anxiety. Taking a walk is a good idea. Also, while you'regiving your presentation, choose a few friendly faces from the audience andfocus on them. And don't forget to take deep breaths to feel calm. If all thisdoesn't work, I advise you to take a training course in public speaking. Itwill help you get over your fear.
Li Hua
21. D。细节理解题。根据第二段中的Laura Ingalls Wilder ... has a wide recognition in the US becausemost US people have read her books during their school years可知答案。
22. B。细节理解题。根据第三段中的her story of an ordinary American making such a big difference issomething that agrees strongly with another theme in American culture — the power of the individual可知答案。
23. C。细节理解题。根据第四段中Brian Costello的建议Then after a set time, change them to writers, inventors,entertainers, engineers, etc可知,他希望美钞上的人物头像可以定期更换。
24. D。细节理解题。根据最后一段中的As a child she lifted the US out of emotional depression during theGreat Depression可知,秀兰•é‚“波儿在美国大萧条时期带给人们很多快乐。
25. A。推理判断题。根据第二段中的For example, each year a 24-hour famine is planned ... we putourselves in the shoes of someone living in poverty可知,24小时不进食的活动可以让人们感受挨饿的感觉,从而更加理解贫困人民。
26. D。推理判断题。根据第三段中的At the end of each school year, the group takes a vote to determinewhere our funds will be spent and donated可知,这个社团通过投票来决定善款的去向,因此是以大多数成员的意见为准。
27. B。写作目的题。根据文章末的You too can form a club like the Free The Children Club or you canparticipate in events outside of school. Get your friends, family, even yourcommunity involved in fundraising. Do what you can to change the world 可以看出,作者通过介绍自己为帮助他人、改变世界做出的努力来鼓励人们也行动起来,做一些力所能及的事情以改变世界。
28. C。细节理解题。根据第一段中的This best-selling book devoted a chapter to music's effect on plantgrowth和but skeptical可知,Appel对于音乐对植物生长的影响心存怀疑。
29. B。推理判断题。结合第二段中的Do you think plants might use insect feeding as a source ofinformation及第三段中的A leafon the new plant shook “in just the same way it does when a caterpillar is feeding可知,当昆虫开始吃叶子时,叶子通过晃动防御。由于叶子在晃动,所以Cocroft收录不到昆虫通过叶子传递的振动声,而是收录到叶子晃动的嘈杂声。

30. A。细节理解题。根据第三段中的She and Cocroft designed an experiment to see if plants do in fact “listen” for dangers可知答案。
31. B。主旨大意题。本文主要围绕Appel和Cocroft所做的实验展开。根据他们的实验目的if plants do infact “listen” for dangers及实验结果clearly show a plant respondsto a sound that's related to its survival可以看出,B项符合全文内容。
32. B。推理判断题。根据前两段内容可知,平板电脑出现后,出版商担心人们会放弃读书,转而去看平板电脑上的电影或者上网。Maja Thomas希望相反的事情发生,即:平板电脑上的电子书程序为人们提供了更多的读书机会,使更多的人开始阅读。
33. B。细节理解题。根据第四段中的Now those e-readers are lighter, look more attractive and cost lessthan $100 — even a cheaptablet is more than double the cost — so consumers who want a device just for reading books and not muchelse will not upgrade可知,与平板电脑相比,更加低廉的价格为电子书提供了存活的机会。
34. A。写作手法题。根据倒数第二段中的mentioning the Palm Pilot, digital point-and-shoot cameras andportable GPS systems for the car as items that have been gradually displaced bymultifunction devices可知,James McQuivey通过举例来说明黑白电子书难逃被淘汰的命运。
35. C。词义猜测题。根据最后一段中的“With so many distractions, my taste in books has really improved,” Ms. Faulk said. “Recently, I have been attracted tobooks that make me forget I have a world of entertainment at my fingertips.”可知,面对众多娱乐程序的干扰都能静下心来读书,说明这本书很好,这使得ErinFaulk对书的品味逐步提高,挑选书的眼光更加敏锐。
36. G。根据本空下一句Other people may have better judgment, experience and knowledge thanyou do可知,别人可能比你有更好的判断、经验和知识,这说明你可能有各种不足,犯各种错误。G项“没有谁总是对的”与此处语境相符。
37. D。本空上一句问“为什么”,所以本空应该是回答“原因”。D项“那是因为他们没有什么担忧的事情”正是对上一句“有没有想过为什么孩子们总是无忧无虑,那么快乐呢?”的回答。
38. C。C项中的involve和believe in是解题的关键。本空后的This involvement指代的就是C项的内容:积极投身于自己认为有意义的事情中。
39. E。根据本空后段落的内容,尤其是Exercise, Feeding, food(s), Eat well等可知,作者建议人们“找时间定期锻炼并吃有益于健康的食物”。
40. B。本段围绕锻炼和饮食这两个话题展开,故 B项“即使只有三十分钟也要做一些运动并且要做你喜欢的运动”符合此处语境。
41. D。根据全文内容,尤其是we just don't bother to reset them, Resetting our many clocks is agreat waste of time以及we actually use more energy during Daylight Savings than we save等可知,作者反对实施夏时制,希望能“终止(end)”夏时制。
42. B。根据本空后的理由as traditional clocks were simple to reset可知,由于重新设置传统的钟表很简单,过去实施夏时制就“比较容易(easier)”。
43. B。下一句中的In our family提示了本题答案。
44. C。根据本段末的hunting and resetting digital clocks可知,作者一家先“找到(find)”尽可能多的表,然后再进行设置。
45. A。根据本空后的some digital clocks are so confusing可知,一些电子时钟非常复杂,再根据常理我们可知,设置复杂的东西我们一般都要参阅“说明书(instructions)”。
46. A。根据本段内容我们不难看出,作者对于重新设置电子时钟浪费那么多时间非常不满,因此感慨“想一想(think of)”在寻找和重置电子时钟过程中浪费了许多时间。
47. D。根据本段内容可知,实施夏时制会导致人们身体不适,以至于产生很多问题,故选terrible。
48. B。根据本空后的 I'm not tired at night和During the day I'm sleepy可知,作者昼夜颠倒,早晨想“睡觉(sleep)”。
49. C。根据本空前的I'm sleepy and slower in my thinking可知,实施夏时制之后,作者思维变慢,所以“工作(work)”效率降低。
50. D。根据下一句中的Some studies show that ... there is an increase in trafficaccidents. Even more heart attacks可知,作者并不是“唯一(only)”一个在实施夏时制后会感到不适的人。
51. A。根据本段语境可知,这些研究指的是实施夏时制之后,即时间“改变(change)”后出现的现象。
52. A。根据本段内容可知,实施夏时制导致人们身体不适,产生了很多问题,所以说充分“休息放松的(relaxed)”身体才能更好地应对每天面对的问题。
53. D。根据下一句中的by setting our clocks forward an hour in the summer, we can go tobed earlier and use less electricity for lighting可知,实施夏时制的目的主要是为了减少人们在晚上的活动,从而“节约(save)”能源。
54. D。55. B。根据We lightand air-condition our homes for a longer period of time可知,“实际上(in fact)”,人们“晚上(night)”的活动并没有减少,开灯和空调的时间更长了。
56. C。玩电脑、看电视等都属于人们进行的“活动(activities)”。
57. A。根据上下文我们不难看出,作者认为实施夏时制是一个“严重的(serious)”问题。
58. C。根据第三段内容可知,实施夏时制导致人们身体不适,故选bodies。
59. B。60. C。作者把观点论述透彻之后,号召大家开始“行动(act)”,请求政府取消实施夏时制。practice可表示“惯例,制度”,在这里指代夏时制的实施。
61. but。考查连词。前后分句之间是转折关系,故填but。
62. what。考查连接词。设空处引导宾语从句,且在从句中作主语。从句意为“所发生的事情”。
63. happiness。考查名词。设空处作介词宾语故填名词。
64. pushing。考查非谓语动词。由上文可知他从来没有停止努力,故填pushing。
65. on。考查介词。on one's own意为“独立地”。
66. bravely。考查副词。设空处修饰carry out,故填bravely。
67. has spoken。考查时态。由So far可知用现在完成时。
68. who / that。考查关系词。设空处引导限制性定语从句修饰先行词all (指人),且在从句中作主语,故填who / that。
69. a。考查冠词。a waste of time意为“浪费时间”。
70. to start。考查非谓语动词。it is time to do sth.意为“是做某事的时候了”。


1-5 DCDAC 6-10 BBACD
1. D。细节理解题。根据第四段中的 ... an independent museum building in the form of a silver-greybowl可知答案。
2. C。细节理解题。根据第二段中的The exhibition is theme-based rather than structured in the timeorder可知答案。
3. D。段落大意题。根据第三、四段中出现的时间以及the first products were displayed, developed into, was upgraded, wasopened, was redesigned and extended等可知,这两段主要介绍了宝马博物馆的发展历程。
4. A。细节理解题。根据第二段中的shopping centres及最后一段中的The shopping centre forms the heart of BMW Welt可知,在宝马博物馆和宝马世界都有购物中心供人们购物。
5. C。文章出处题。本文简单介绍了宝马博物馆的特点、面积、展品、发展历程以及宝马世界的功能等,正所谓管中窥豹,宝马博物馆和宝马世界的宏伟可见一斑,使得很多人萌生了去此处一游的念头。因此,本文最有可能出自一本旅游杂志。
6. B。推理判断题。第二段分别说了如果你不相信人会变,那么你将会感到很大的压力和如果你相信人的性格会变,那么你的压力就会减少很多。所以这里提到的“联系”指的是“是否认为人是会改变的”与“心理压力”之间的关系。
7. B。细节理解题。根据第三段中的They were also given a test of their reaction to social exclusion可知答案。
8. A。细节理解题。根据第三段中的The study took place at the beginning of a school year和Finally, at the end of the schoolyear可知,这个研究进行了一个学年。
9. C。细节理解题。根据文末的This result raises the possibility that if students are trained tothink that personality characteristics can change, then they might do better inschool可知,让学生知道人的性格可以改变可能有助于提高学习成绩。
10. D。标题归纳题。本文由给他人“贴标签”引出“是否认为人是会改变的”与“心理压力”之间的关系,继而通过科学实验证明这种关系:认为人的性格不能改变(即给他人“贴标签”),会使你感到很大的压力。D项最符合本文主题,适合作为本文标题。