
Describe your experience and difficulties in learning oral English. Did you find any of the learning style is most effective for yourself?

Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition based on the following two questions:



You must write your composition in no less than 100 words on the Composition Sheet and remember to write it in readable handwriting.

How I Overcame My Difficulties in Learning English?

Most Chinese students have difficulties in learning English. The difficulties vary so much from person to person that it is difficult to cite here in a few words. Some may have problems in reading. Others may have trouble in writing. I also had problems in English learning, but my difficulty seemed to lie in listening. For example, when tested for listening comprehension, I couldn't understand a single sentence, let alone a passage of medium level.

In order to overcome the difficulty in my English learning, I made great efforts to find the key to the problem. I consulted my teacher and found out that I merely didn't have enough time to practice listening. So I bought a tape recorder and listened to it at least two hours a day. In addition, I listened to "Special English" on VOA. I also went out of my way to speak to foreigners on the campus whenever we meet so that I could have the chance to listen to the native speakers. After half a year's hard work, I could get 70% of the questions correct in listening comprehension tests.

I own my success to my English teacher. It is him who tells me the correct way to learn English. It is him who always encourages me when I encounter difficulties and feel disappointed.
hard to learn English
a lot of studets have such similar thought that it is hard to learn English.there is no doubt that we are native chinese .we don't have superior conditions to learn English.The study of one language needs not only diligence but also good ways.for instance ,the way to keep the new words in mind ,the way to recite the common phase and make sure you will never forget them.But just remember : have confidence in yourself ,you can make it.

很多学生都有这种同样的想法,就是英语难学。毫无疑问,我们都是地道的中国人,我们没有优越的条件学习英语。一门语言的学习不光要努力,同时也需要好的方法。例如,记单词的方法,背词组的方法以及怎样不至于忘记。但只要记住:相信你自己,你一定行。 The trouble in English studyingI thought i have studied English well before.But since the day that i went into the university,i change my mind.i could not read the most of words in my textbook,i could not understand what the teacher said,i could not remember new words,i could not get the answer when i did my homework and so on. Am i lazy ? i'm not lazy in university. i remember new words everyday ,but forget them after sleeping.Though i also can get a good mark in exams now,i feel i can't know about English well.Maybe i only can study how to pass the examination instead of knowing about English.this is the problem. 英语学习计划一、总则:1、坚持每一天,充分利用一切可以利用的时间学英语。没有持之以恒的学习和大量的时将做保障,一切都是空谈。2、每天听写一篇文章,以此文章为中心,展开一天的学习。3、听说读写译五项都要练,以听说为主。4、求质不求量,把听写的文章彻底搞懂足矣,不要好大喜功,贪大贪快。扎扎实实,按部就班,是学好英语的必经之路。5、把零碎的时间充分利用起来学英语,不断地重复。6、听写是个学习英语的好方法,要继续加强。7、早睡早起学英语。8、抓住一套教材足矣,不要盲目的更换教材。9、每天学习英语必须要有详细可行的计划,必须坚决执行,没有任何借口。10、相信自己,一定能够学好英语。二、分则:(一)听力:1、除周末外,每天晚上10:00——12:00听写一篇五分钟左右的短文。着重听力后的分析过程。2、早晚都随身带MP3,一有空闲时间就反复听这篇短文,直到听烂为止。3、周末看一部外国电影,复习就内容,检查一周来的学习计划执行情况。4、重视精听,听无数遍。(二)口语:1、朗读并努力复述听写的短文。2、每天坚持张嘴说,每周参加英语角。3、注意在朗读过程中纠正发音。(三)阅读:1、每周阅读一份英语报纸。2、每次整理笔记。(四)写译:1、争取把每天听写的短文都翻译,先英汉,再汉英。2、注意整理笔记。 (翻译)English study planA general:1, insist every day, make full use of all can use the time to learn English. No persistence study and will do guarantee, everything is talking.Day 2, article, dictation paper as the center, one of the study.Three, five listening, speaking, reading and writing are the practice, to hear.4 QiuZhi, not the dictation, the article thoroughly understand enough, don't lie, great greed. Solid, step-by-step, is the way of learning English.5 and the time fully utilize the pieces together learn English, repeating.6 and dictation is a good way to learn English, will continue to be strengthened.7, early to bed and early to rise to learn English.8 and caught a kit is sufficient, not blindly change materials.9 and study English every day must have a detailed plan of feasible, must strictly enforce, no any excuse.10 and believe in yourself, must be able to learn English well.Second, part:(a) listening:1, except the weekend, 10-12:00 every night dictated a five minutes. On hearing the analysis process.2, morning and evening carry MP3, a have free time to listen to this passage is repeated until hear rotten.3, a foreign movie this weekend, review contents, check a week-long study plan implementation.4, fine listen, listen to countless times.(2) :1, read the passage and retelling dictation.2, every day, every week to join in the English corner said the mouth.3 in the process of reading aloud, pay attention to the correct pronunciation.(3) reading:1, weekly reading an English newspapers.2, every time your notes.Write (4) :One day, the short dictation for all Chinese, English, again.2, pay attention to your notes. 12