

To meet the needs of agricultural control of precision and real-time video, is proposed based on zigbee and arm of the design of data acquisition unit, the plan by the zigbee wireless system, video monitoring system, data acquisition device zigbee wireless system is divided into three parts zigbee terminal nodes and zigbee coordinator node zigbee terminal nodes connected sensor and relay to complete the function of data collection and control execution zigbee coordinator node connection data acquisition device and zigbee terminal nodes, complete data communication function video system consists of cameras and storage circuit Final data uploaded to the data acquisition device, the internal treatment process data and send control command, according to the results of the process control of the corresponding relay, and relay to connect external devices to complete the corresponding function data acquisition device also has the function of external access data acquisition device can be connected to the Internet and GPRS network, users can use the computer and cell phone remote access to data acquisition device key words: wireless system. Data acquisition device;remote access