


(Text 1)

W: The computer broke down just as I was sending an e-mail to Laura. I tried calling her, but I couldn’t reach her.

M: That’s OK. I’ll send her a short message.

(Text 2)

M: I need to go to the Holiland bakery. Is it near here?

W: Yes. Go out of the hotel and turn left. Go through the park, and you’ll see it.

(Text 3)

M: Shall we go to the cinema tonight?

W: I went to a movie last night. I just want a good rest.

M: In that case, I’ll finish reading my book instead.

(Text 4)

W: Why hasn’t Bus No.22 arrived yet?

M: I don’t know. It should be here soon.

W: Should we take a taxi?

M: Let’s wait ten more minutes.

(Text 5)

W: That’s a nice one. It has especially good software.

M: Yes, and its keyboard is comfortable for typing.

W: Does it run smoothly when you play games?

M: Well, I’ve never played games on it.

(Text 6)

M: Oh, look at that—it’s raining! The weatherman said it would be sunny today.

W: You can never believe what they say. The last time that I went on a trip, the weather report forecast on TV said it would be cloudy the next day, but to my great disappointment, it rained on the second day.

M: So what should we do today? Would you like to go shopping with me?

W: Well, I don’t really want to go shopping. How about the museum?

M: That sounds good, but let’s have lunch before we go.

W: All right. There is a new restaurant around the corner. Let’s go there.

(Text 7)

W: Tim, how much do you think we should spend on furniture?

M: About $600.

W: Ok, then let’s think about what we should buy.

M: Of course the most urgent thing is a bed. I don’t want to sleep on the floor in our new home. That’s got to be the first thing.

W: Just a minute—I’ll get a pen to write all this down.

M: A dining table, and a desk to work on.

W: What about just buying one dining table? I think we could use it as a dining table and as a desk, too. We can put it here.

M: Great idea. Well, in any case we’ll need two chairs—and a sofa.
W: Yes, got it.

(Text 8)

W: Hi, John! I haven’t seen you for a couple of days. Are you busy writing your new book?

M: No. I finished my new book last week. It’ll come out in about two months.

W: Congratulations. By the way, I’m going to a local festival in a town where one of my students lives. Would you like to come along?

M: That would be great. I like going to festivals. I often find such experiences very exciting. What kind of festival is it?

W: It’s a festival honoring ancestors. There are a lot of fun activities during the festival.

M: How long do you plan to stay there?

W: For three days and two nights. The festival only lasts for two days, but I want to go camping by a lake there after the festival. We can put up a tent there for a night.

M: That sounds great. I cannot wait to go.

(Text 9)

W: Have you ever thought about what your dream home would be like?

M: I have, actually. I’ve always wanted to build my dream home myself.

W: What would it be like?

M: Well, it would be large, at least three floors, and located in a quiet neighborhood … next to a park, because having a good view is important to me.

W: How many rooms would it have?

M: I’d want to have three bedrooms on the second floor with French windows in each and one main bedroom on the third floor with its own bathroom. The first floor would have a large living room and kitchen connected to each other so that there would be one large open space for people to spend time with each other.

W: How many bathrooms would your dream home have?

M: I’d have one guest bathroom off the living room, one on the second floor for the three bedrooms, and the one attached to the main bedroom, so a total of three.

W: How many TVs would your dream home have?

M: I think TV is a great waste of time, so I would have only one small TV in the kitchen to watch the news in the morning.

(Text 10) M

    Well, Monica, I’m sure you’ll enjoy working here. I’m the librarian. We’re open from nine in the morning until eight in the evening but you’re not expected to be here all that time. You start working at a quarter to nine and finish at a quarter past five, OK?

Now, students aren’t allowed to bring large bags into the library, but staff can bring their bags in and leave them in the office. You have an hour for lunch, but I don’t like staff eating in the library. Of course you can have a cup of coffee there while you’re working. If you bring sandwiches for lunch, there’s a common room downstairs where you can eat them. If you want to buy lunch, I’d suggest the dining room upstairs. There are cafés in the town centre, but it’s a bit of rush to get there and back in an hour though they’re cheap. OK. Any questions?




第1个回答  2015-04-03