

单数(singular)复数(plural) 只有名词才会有单数或复数,名词又分可数和不可数(可数就是能一个或一枚1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9...这样数数的称可数,不可数分抽象的不成形的...等,)不可数名词不能有单,复数表现,例:dog, cat ,duck ,tiger, lion, zebra,squirrel,cup,pan,spoon,chopsticks,bowl,knife...等 这些普通名词,我们都可以在后加上S/ES表复数或不加表单数。例:我看到一只狗,i saw a dog ,我看到5条狗:i saw five dogs。不可数:sand,water,money,air,music,gas,oil,blood,glass,wood,bread,fish,chinese...等,其中不可数的部份要加度量单位加of ,例:一条面包,a loaf of bread,两条面包:two loaves(loaf) of bread,抽象的也就是看不到的摸不到的,例:一阵风吹过来,here a gust wind come,我听过很多音乐,i've heard a lot of music,句型转换太多了,举一例:你今天要卖很多东西,1you have to buy many things today,2there 's a lot of things you have to buy today,3you must go shopping today,转一般疑问:1 must you buy many things today? 2 is there a lot of things you have to buy?第二:我妹妹让我帮她写作业,1my sister let me do the homework with her ,2my sister asked me for help with the homework这两改被动,3i was made to do the homework with my sis by her, 4 i was asked for help with the hoemwork with my sis by here,转一般问句:1will my sis let me help her with the work ,转间接疑问2my sister asked me if (whether) i have a time to help her wiht the work,.3 was i made to do the homework for her by my sis
.看起来都是妹妹要求有强烈口气,呵呵... 好了就写这么多,你一分都不出。没法再写下去~!
第1个回答  2012-11-09
可数名词,是一个的就用单数,两个以上用复数;不可数名词只有单数形式;句型转换大都是变成一般疑问句、对划线部分提问一类的。如果是变一般疑问句,有am,is are 的直接把他们提前;没有的话,加do 或does;如果有can 就把它提前;对划线部分提问,写出疑问词就可以了,然后把剩下的部分给成一般疑问句就ok了。
第2个回答  2012-11-08
第3个回答  2012-11-18