

原文 : 这部电影的内容是在一个小山村里,唯一的小学的老师高老师因为母亲有病请假回去伺候母亲。小学因为没老师了,所以村长让魏敏之一个小学毕业的学生代课。她的任务是保证在高老师来的时候学生一个也部能少。一开始她不知道怎么教学生,也不知道怎么管理。她把学生锁在教室里防止他们逃跑,然后她让学生抄课本。一天一个平时爱给敏之找麻烦的学生逃学去城里了,敏之决定去找她,但又没钱买车票。在众多孩子的帮助下她混上了车。找了好多地方找不到那个孩子,她决定求助电视台。在电视台门口等了几天的敏之最后终于在电视台的帮助下通过敏之在电视里直播她找的那个孩子。把他顺利带回了家,同去的还有电台的记者。这片故事只所以感人不仅电视情节感人,而且里面的主人公的名字都是他们自己的真实的名字。他们演的正是他们自己。

译文 : The content of this film is in a small mountain village because the high teacher of the teacher of the only primary school because mother asks for leave back to serve mother sickly. Because primary school have teacher, so village head let a quick student graduating from primary school Wei take over the class. Even there can be few departments that her task guarantees one student when the high teacher came. She neither it is known how knows at the beginning how to manage to teach students, nor. She locks students in the classroom and prevents them from running away, then she lets students copy the textbook. One likes playing truant in the town for the quick students looking for trouble at ordinary times in one day, the quick decision goes to look for her, but there is no money to buy the ticket. She has mixed and got on the bus with the help of numerous children. Can not find that child after looking for many places, she decides to turn to the TV station for help. Wait for a few days quick at last with the help of TV station through a quick one in broadcast directly those child who she let on TV at the gate of TV station. Having taken him home smoothly, the ones that went together are reporters of the radio station. This story is only touching not only the TV plot is touching, but also protagonist inside's names are all their own true names. Whom they played the role of is exactly themselves.
第1个回答  2013-10-21
In a remote mountain village, the teacher must leave for a month, and the mayor can find only a 13-year old girl, Wei Minzhi, to substitute. The teacher leaves one stick of chalk for each day and promises her an extra 10 yuan if there's not one less student when he returns. Within days, poverty forces the class troublemaker, Zhang Huike, to leave for the city to work. Minzhi, possessed of a stubborn streak, determines to bring him back. She enlists the 26 remaining pupils in earning money for her trip. She hitches to Jiangjiakou City and begins her search. The boy, meanwhile, is there, lost and begging for food. Minzhi's stubbornness may be Huike and the village school's salvation.本回答被网友采纳