

just 来自牛津高阶

/ dʒʌst; dʒʌst/ adv
exactly 正好; 恰好. (a) (before ns
and n phrases 用於名词和名词词组前): It's just two o'clock. 现在的时间是两点正. * This hammer is just the thing I need. 这正是我要的锤子. * It's just my size. 这正是我的尺码. * Just my
luck! 我的运气就是这麽坏! (b) (before adjs, advs
and prepositional phrases 用於形容 词﹑ 副词和介词词组前): just
right 正对 * just here/there
就在这里[那里] * just on target 正中目标.
(c) (before clauses 用於从句前): just what I wanted
正是我所要的 * just where I expected it to
be 恰在我料到的地方.
~ as (a) exactly as; the same as 恰如; 如同:
It's just as I thought. 恰如我所料. (b) at the
same moment as 正当; 其时: just as I arrived 恰在我到达时.
(c) (before an adj/adv followed by
as 後接形容词[副词]加as) no less (than);
equally 不少(於); 同样地: just as beautiful as her sister
与她姐姐一样漂亮 * You can get there just as cheaply by
air as by train. 你坐飞机到那里同坐火车一样便宜.
(esp after only 尤用於only之後)
(a) barely; scarcely; narrowly 仅仅; 几乎不; 勉强地: I can
(only) just reach the shelf, if I stand on tiptoe. 我踮着脚才刚能够着架子. *
She (only) just caught the train with one minute to spare.
她差一点儿没赶上那趟火车. * just manage to pass the entrance
exam 入学考试勉强及格 * just miss a target, fail a test,
reach the top 稍稍偏离目标﹑ 测验只差一点儿就及格﹑ 勉强达到顶端. (b) (with perfect
tenses; in US English with the simple past tense 用於完成时态; 在美式英语中用於一般过去时态) very
recently; in the immediate past 刚刚; 刚才: I have (only) just
seen John. 我刚才见到约翰了. * When you arrived he had
(only) just left, ie He left immediately before you arrived. 你来时他刚刚走.
* By the time you arrive, he will have just finished.
等你来到时他刚好能做完. * He has just been speaking.
他刚才一直在说话. * (US) I
just saw him (a moment ago). 我(几分钟之前)刚看见他.
at this/that moment; now; immediately 此[那]时; 现在; 即刻. (a)
(esp with the present and past continuous tenses 尤用於现在进行时态和过去进行时态): Please wait: I am just finishing a letter. 请稍候, 我马上就写完信. *
I was just having lunch when Bill rang.
比尔来电话时我正在吃午饭. * Just/I'm just coming!
立刻[我立刻]就来! * I'm just off, ie I'm
leaving now. 我现在就走. (b) ~ about/going to do sth (referring to the
immediate future 表示即将): I was just about to tell you when
you interrupted. 我正要告诉你, 你把话打断了. * The clock is
just going to strike noon. 钟即将於中午时敲响.
(a) simply 仅; 只管: Why not just
wait and see what happens? 何不静观其结果呢? * You `could
just ask me for `help,ie instead of making a great fuss, giving a
long explanation,etc. 你不防径直让我帮忙(无须大费周折, 多做解释). (b) (used, esp with the
imperative, to cut short a possible argument or delay or to appeal for attention
or understanding 用以避免争论或耽搁或请求注意或理解, 尤用於祈使句): Just listen to
what I'm saying! 先听我说! * Just try to understand!
请你能理解这件事! * Just let me say something!
让我说两句吧! * Just look at this! 看看这个吧! *
Just listen to him (ie and you will see how
clever, funny, stupid, unusual, etc he is)!
听听他的(你就知道他多聪明﹑ 逗笑﹑ 愚蠢﹑ 特别等)!
~ (for sth/to do sth) only; simply 仅; 只是: There is just one way of saving him. 只有一个办法能救他. * I waited an hour just to see you, ie solely for that
purpose. 我等了一小时就是为了见你. * just for fun, a laugh, a joke,
etc 仅仅是闹着玩儿﹑ 逗笑﹑ 开玩笑等.
(infml 口) really; truly;
emphatically 真正地; 实在; 的确: The weather is just marvellous!
天气真好! * It's just a miracle that he survived the
accident! 他死里逃生实在是奇迹! * `He's rather pompous.'
`Isn't he just?(ie He certainly is!)'
(idm 习语) it is just as `well (that...) it is a good
thing 也是好事; 倒也不错: It's just as well that we didn't go out in
this rain. 我们下雨天没出去倒也是好事. it is/would be just as well (to do sth)
it is advisable 是明智的: It would be just as well to lock
the door when you go out. 出去的时候最好还是锁上门. just about (infml 口) (a) almost; very nearly 几乎; 几近; 近乎:
I've met just about everyone. 所有的人我几乎都见到了. *
That's just about the limit! ie That makes the
situation almost unbearable. 这差不多到头儿了(已几乎忍无可忍). (b) approximately 大约; 大概:
He should be arriving just about now. 他现在大约该到了.
(not) just `any (not) simply at random (不)随意地; (不)无目的地: You can't ask just anybody to the party. 你不能随便把什麽人都请来参加聚会.
just as one/it `is without any special decoration or alteration 不特意装饰或改变;
保持原样: The trousers are rather long, but I'll take them just
as they are. 这条裤子有点儿长; 但我还是要了吧. * Tell her to
come to the party (dressed) just as she is. 告诉她就像现在这样(穿着)来参加聚会就行.
,just in `case as a precaution 以防万一: The sun is
shining, but I'll take an umbrella just in case. 现在是晴天, 但我还是带上雨伞以防万一.
,just like `that suddenly, without warning or explanation 突然; 冷不防地;
莫名其妙地: He walked out on his wife just like that!
他突然遗弃了妻子. ,just `now (a) at this very moment 现在; 此时;
即刻: Come and see me later, but not just now.
以後再来找我, 现在别来. (b) during this present period 目前; 现阶段: Business is good just now. 目前生意不错. (c) only a short
time ago 刚才; 刚刚: I saw him just now. 我刚才看见他了.
,just on (infml 口) (esp with numbers
尤与数字连用) exactly; only just 正好; 恰好; 刚好: It's ,just on ,six
o'`clock. 现在正好六点钟. * She's ,just on ,ninety years
`old. 她整九十岁. ,just the `same (a) identical 同样的; 完全相同的:
These two pictures are just the same (as one another).
这两幅画(彼此)完全相同. (b) nevertheless 仍然; 还是: The
sun's out, but I'll take a raincoat just the same. 尽管是晴天, 但我还是要带上雨衣.
,just `so (a) (fml 文 esp Brit) quite true 正是: `Your name
is Smythe, is it?' `Just so.' ‘你姓史密斯,是吧?’‘正是.’ (b) performed
or arranged with precision有条理的; 井然: She cannot bear an
untidy desk. Everything must be just so. 她就怕书桌上凌乱.样样东西都必须井然有序.
just such a sth sth exactly like this 与此完全相像的某事物: It
was on just such a day (as this) that we left for France.
我们动身去法国的那天就跟这天一样. (it's/that's) ,just too `bad (infml 口) (often used to show lack of sympathy 常用以表示不甚同情)
the situation cannot be helped; one must simply manage as best one can 情况无可奈何,
只好尽力而为: `I've left my purse at home.' `That's just too bad,
I'm afraid!' ‘我把钱包忘在家里了.’‘我看那可没办法了!’ one might just as well be/do
sth one would not benefit from being or doing otherwise 这样也好: The weather was so bad on holiday we might just as well have stayed
at home. 假日的天气很坏, 我们呆在家里也不错. not just `yet not at this present
moment but probably quite soon 并非现在, 但可能不久: `Are you ready?'
`Not just yet.' ‘你准备好了吗?’‘还没有,