


As winter goes and spring comes, I count the petals buried in the branches and recall the past time. The pictures that are passing away in a hurry, joyful and sad, are like the withered yellow painted on the ground last night, and I can't pick up a trace of spring. 


In fact, growth is just a matter of letting nature take its course. It's like eating when you're hungry and resting when you're sleepy. It's a natural rule! It's a potential rule that we all can't escape. Often a beautiful beginning, no matter how prosperous the city


or how row upon row of scenery, it will leave a unsatisfactory track after all, tearing the once indulgent youth. Suddenly, when we see through, we can only look back in the desolate night.


 Looking at the darkened sky and the crowd in the city, we suddenly realize that on this thorny road full of unknowns, we are always in front of us, either walking, walking, or running


or in a clear and windy day, consciously raising our head to meet the dawn, looking for the regret in the rainy season, Only at that time, maybe it was a feeling, a secret, a person, a song, after a circle of symbiosis, and then back to the original place


occasionally looking back, but they could not see the location of the original point, remember some things, some people and some music. At this time, the beauty of sadness can only be fixed in the memory. Maybe one day we will turn around and leave a beautiful figure far away


drawing a perfect arc to tell us our attachment to yesterday. A person in the bright city life, often stop to look up at the blue sky, sometimes think if he is just a floating in the sky of white clouds, so unrestrained


so do whatever you want, do not pay attention to the reality of trouble and helplessness, but this is just a fool hukan nagging. In fact, in the real world, some people and things are not decided by you. Maybe the things you expect will never happen


or the people you think don't want you. The night is quiet. I think of the starry sky I admired before. Only when the clear moon is hanging in the sky, can I find that it is so ethereal. My heart is in vain. I don't know if the clear moon is as lonely as me? Do not know


in the twilight between a word, the night quietly passed, and this morning, the sky is still dark, do not see the bright sun, also do not hear insects and birds, last night's cold wind is still blowing away the lonely heart, this road, leaving my young vicissitudes of life


the passing of the spring days. In the twinkling of an eye, "it's another year of grass green". With a sigh, I see off one prosperous season after another. However, like a helpless traveler


I look at the youth quietly passing by my fingertips, and also bend to the innumerable youth days, with a long sigh: we've all grown up, but "the more we grow up, the more lonely we are.".


第1个回答  2016-06-27
Recently, with the increasing busy life of our contemporaries, the loneness of the old ones has been existent as a widespread socail phenomena,which is really worth a plenty of social attention.
There are a couple of principal factors for this issue .Most importantly ,It is because the young are so engaged with their work and study that it is difficult for them to find time visiting their old generations .Furthermore, the unemployment of old people is another influential ground for their loneness since they may have too much free time and don't know what to do .

Since the old generations have made great contribution to the society ,So,they should be respected ,accepted and cared .As for me ,they are at leats two ways to resolve this problem. First ,the old ones can raise pets like dogs or cats to have a accompany ,also, they can have a walk in the park,last, the young should care them and find time together with them as possible .本回答被网友采纳