

April Fools’day English Cookies
At the airport
F:I’m a foreign student from England.But there are nobodyrecieve me.(左看右看)
TC:(东看西看,撞到了英国友人)Are you ki……?
F:Kimi,yes it’s me.
TC: There’s something different about you. The photo shows that you only have 3 hairs. (展示图片)
F:Let me look. Oh, it’s the past now.(摆弄头发)
TC:(吐)Now you’re changed a lot. What kind of shampoo do you use?
In the classroom
(日历:4.1 fool’s day)
F: Hello, everyone. First, I want to introduce myself. I’m kimi, from England. It is my first time here. So 请多多关照(日文+鞠躬+向众人喷彩带)
TC:hey, what are you doing!
F:It is my first-meet gift for you all. It is April Fools’ Day today. You don’t know?
Cecilia:but don’t know that it exist 时差(中文读+举牌说明)?
TC:What 哪能?(请用上海话念)
Teddy:He said pardon~(轻声)
Cecilia:According to this dictionary, on page 999, it tells us…
Teddy:It tells us it is a Chinese word. (推开那人,插话) in English, it is the time difference. For example, if it is 4.1 in your country. But in China, it is 3.31.
TC:Look at this.(看日历) So tomorrow will be the fool’s day.
F:Oh, 视察(时差读不准)I got it~~ so I am sorry.
TC:(抢过彩带,阴笑)It’s my turn(追赶 ,退场)

3.31 next year
F: It is 4.1 today. April fools’ day!!! Yeah~~ I wanna to play a trick on them.(走进教室,假装晕倒)
TC:Hey, what’s the matter with you?
Teddy:Look at the paper(发现纸条)
Cecilia:It is the end of his life!
TC:Oh, that’s not real.
Teddy:I can’t even believe my eyes. He looks so healthy that he doesn’t look like a dying patient.
Students:Oh baby babybaby my baby baby I can’t live without you!(唱)(大哭)
TC:(接纸巾)Who are you,ghost!(晕)
F:Oh no no I’m kimi.
Cecilia:You, you’ve got the cancer, haven’t you?
F:It’s true. I’m kimi.
TC:What?(醒,摸脸,打)Oh,it’s real.
F:Hey, what are you ding? Today is fool’s day.I cheated you. You forget? (语重心长) I’m very glad that you will crying for me. Sorry I cheated you ,it’s my fault.
Cecilia:But kimi we also cheated you one thing.
Teddy:In fact ,today is 3.31 not fool’s day.
F:What? (打格愣,多说两遍)
TC:Sorry, we’ve cheated you since the last fools’ day. (叹气)
Teddy:Yes, in fact, it will be fools’ day tomorrow.
Cecilia:Do you still remember that we have told you something about time difference before?
F:Oh, yes.视察(不标准)
TC:Then, we’ve told you something wrong. It is only several hours later in your country, but not one day!
Teddy:So we also cheated you.
F:I got it. I even regard the wrong reality as the truth for a year! Oh, god blesses me, But it doesn’t matter. I find that we have deep friendship. You love me and I love you!
TC:Yes, we are friends.
Teddy:Good friends
Cecilia:The best friends
Students:Forever friends.
F::I will walk in even when the rest of the world walks out.
Cecilia:Oh, no. I will walk in even when we don’t know the time!

All:Please remember us Class 10 senior 1. Thank you!
