
61、The audience _______ dressed in a variety of ways, somein suits and dresses, some in jeans. 答案C
A. is B. has C. are D. have
62、Some TV programs areinteresting but some others are ______ and full of violence. 答案A
A. frightening B.
frightened C. to be frightening D.
to be frightened

63、Few students failed inthe exam at the end of last term, _______? 答案D
A. do they B.didn't they C. don't they D. did they
64、Professor, would youslow down a bit, please? I can't _______you. 答案A
A. keep up
with B.
put up with C. make up to D.
hold on to

65、I ____________feelingthat it was a mistake to let him go. 答案B
A. can help B.
can't help C. can't help
but D. cannot but

66、How can he be______________stupid? 答案B
A. much B. that C.such D. enough
67、Do you regret payingfive hundred dollars for the painting? 答案A
No, I'dgladly have paid __________for it.
A. twice as
much B. two time as many C.
as much twice D. so many twice

68、This is ____________filmI have ever seen. 答案B
A. a
wonderful B. the most wonderful C.
wonderful D. most wonderful

69、She took a short cut_______________the fields. 答案D
A. through B.
over C. below D.

70、It's reported that a newhospital _____________here next year. 答案C 
A. would beset up B. was going to set up
1、-?_______ isyour girl friend like? 答案B
—She is very kind and good—looking.
A. How B. What C. Which D.Who
scientists are ____ a series of experiments to learn more about how the body
adapts to weightlessness. 答案D

A. defining B.having C. carrying D. doing
3、Jane likessinging. We often hear her _______after class. 答案A
A. sing B. to sing C. sings D. sang
4、The teacher's
lecture on pronunciation lasted for three hours. Many of us felt very _______
and sleepy. 答案B

A. boring B. bored C. losing D. interested

65.我不禁感到,这让他走是一个错误。can't help doing sth. 意思是情不自禁做某事,固定搭配。
67.你后悔花了五百美元买了那幅画吗?没有,因为我愿意付两倍。首先由于money是不可数名词,所以B,D错。 twice as much 就是双倍的意思。
68.这是我看过的最精彩的电影。根据I have seen可以判断是把之前看过的所有电影和这部电影比,所以要填最高级,最高级前面的the不可以省略。
70.据报道,明年一家新医院将在这里设立。here前面要省略介词,所以A,B错。医院是物,被建设,被动语态有一个重点,就是be done,所以应用would be set up或者was going to be set up.(由于你少打了C,D两个答案,所以我猜C应该是would be set up,D应该是was going to set up)
1.你的女朋友怎么样?她很善良又漂亮。问性格特点应该用what is …like?所以选B,A的话是问长得如何,C,D明显错的吧。
2.科学家们所做的一系列实验,以了解更多关于如何适应身体失重。做实验的词组是do experiments,是固定搭配。
3.简喜欢唱歌。我们经常在课后听到她唱歌。hear sb. do/doing sth. doing 表示那个时候,是现在进行时,do是一般情况,句子中often表明是一般情况,所以用原型。
第1个回答  2012-10-25