



Friendship between men and women is an excuse
Friendship between men and women in the end there not? There is no holy friendship? Many people suspect that the friendship between men and women, the so-called friendship between men and women are old friends not forgotten, however, there are lingering feelings there.
Members of the situation is only between men and women, students of the situation, there is no such thing as friendship. The so-called friendship is only a pretext. A woman in the day when the topic of friendship between men and women, especially when
entertaining a pretext, it must be faulty. Certainly there have been derailed or behavior or is kept secret crush crush of mind.
A married man to the friendship between men and women to say no matter how pure, no one believes, in fact, too. Friendship is a mutual affection, mutual affection but where there is no friendship?
Some people are for their own meeting, to have a very heavy emphasis on friendship, what is his actual one knows, the most understanding.
Mutual affection is a relationship. Friendship is a relationship. Between woman and woman, the relationship between men and men are generally complex, not bearing in mind the kind of feelings, is a kind of use. No matter what kind of relationship is a dependent relationship, are psychological needs, is a potential use of relationship.
Friendship between men and women saying that white is the symbol of a mutually beneficial relationship. No value friendship does not exist.
Friendship between men and women completely out of a person's emotional needs, definitely not a common relationship.

A man called a woman always friendship and friendship in his mouth, like in my heart, this person is not with her old friends, is a helping relationship. Some women and men are always turning back to help the opposite sex, there is a real favorite of psychological
tendencies, and even a kind of relationship. Weekday courtesy and help in the exchange, not friendship, it is just a mutually beneficial love and help, will not have any feeling concerned.
Between men and women is to attract the opposite sex, is a kind of admiration or pursuit. Whether the poor, compassion, magnanimous help of all pretext and excuse. Heterosexual relationships between men and women is undeniable, you say you have a heart of compassion, you say you good-hearted, why not help the other sex, but had the opposite sex you like to help you? The opposite sex no matter how poor, need help can all be temporary help, and the kind of help everywhere, every care is called friendship? Famous last letter.
To attract the opposite sex is the friendship between the premise. Between men and women did not have some of the behavior of cells, the friendship is more important than our lives. But why not be more ideal for the development of the emotions? That is because the conditions, it can not divorce, can not be together. The friendship in the end, is to let your mind is not actually empty. Not mind, how a friendship? Why can my heart have called friendship?
Friendship between men and women get to live only speak false. What is friendship? Is a kind of mutual appreciation, mutual friend. Between men and women know each other, can not be soon fell in love? To grasp the scale?
Between men and women either a stranger, or is entangled, or worrying about. There is no real friendship between men and women, friendship is nothing but a pretext to deceive others can not fool your own excuse.
Colleagues, their friendship can only say that someone in the maintenance of face, someone looking for an excuse, it must be like to achieve. Who is the most realistic feeling animals.
Only between men and women between the kind of subtle, there is no pure friendship, with the help of a pure, pure love there is absolutely no so-called friendship. What is
friendship? Is a kind of mutual admiration and respect. Only between men and women to attract the opposite sex. Some people think that there is no sex, no seduce each other and help not to return is friendship, friendship and gratitude for that completely distorted.
Friendship between men and women do not is a matter between the same sex,
opposite sex only a mutual attraction. If not mutual attraction, why do the people around you are not with their friendship?