
谁知到 后街男孩 的歌的中文翻译 谁知到 就把中文翻译和英文一起发来 谢谢了 越多越好!!!!谢谢!!

�6�1 搜索"drowing"LRC歌词
�6�1 搜索"drowing"mp3


don't pretend you're sorry
i know you're not
you know you've got the power
to make me weak inside
and girl you leave me breathless
but it's okay
cuz you are my survival
now hear me say

i can't imagine
life without your love
and even forever
don't seem like long enough

every time i breathe i take you in
and my heart beats again
baby i can't help it
you keep me drowning in your love
and every time i try to rise above
i'm swept away by love
baby i can't help it
you keep me drowning in your love

maybe i'm a drifter
maybe not
cause i have known the safety
of floating freely in your arms
i don't need another life line
it's not for me
cuz only you can save me
oh, can't you see

i can't imagine
life without your love
and even forever
don't seem like long enough
(don't seem like long enough yeah)

every time i breathe i take you in
and my heart beats again
baby i can't help it
you keep me drowning in your love
every time i try to rise above
i'm swept away by love
baby i can't help it
you keep me drowning in your love

go on and pull me under
cover me with dreams, yeah
love me mouth to mouth now
you know i can't resist
cuz you're the air that i breathe

every time i breathe i take you in
(cause every time i breathe yeah)
and my heart beats again
baby i can't help it
(baby i can't help it)
you keep me drowning in your love
and every time i try to rise above
i'm swept away by love
baby i can't help it
you keep me drowning in your love
baby i can't help it
you keep me drowning in your love

you've got me drowning
keep drowning in your love

baby i can't help it
can't help it
no ,no

cause ever time i breathe i take you in
(yes i do)
then my heart beats again
baby i can't help it
(baby i can't help it)
keep me drowning in your love
and every time i try to rise above
i'm swept away by love
baby i can't help it
keep me drowning in your love drowing歌手:后街男孩
�6�1 搜索"drowing"LRC歌词
�6�1 搜索"drowing"mp3


don't pretend you're sorry
i know you're not
you know you've got the power
to make me weak inside
and girl you leave me breathless
but it's okay
cuz you are my survival
now hear me say

i can't imagine
life without your love
and even forever
don't seem like long enough

every time i breathe i take you in
and my heart beats again
baby i can't help it
you keep me drowning in your love
and every time i try to rise above
i'm swept away by love
baby i can't help it
you keep me drowning in your love

maybe i'm a drifter
maybe not
cause i have known the safety
of floating freely in your arms
i don't need another life line
it's not for me
cuz only you can save me
oh, can't you see

i can't imagine
life without your love
and even forever
don't seem like long enough
(don't seem like long enough yeah)

every time i breathe i take you in
and my heart beats again
baby i can't help it
you keep me drowning in your love
every time i try to rise above
i'm swept away by love
baby i can't help it
you keep me drowning in your love

go on and pull me under
cover me with dreams, yeah
love me mouth to mouth now
you know i can't resist
cuz you're the air that i breathe

every time i breathe i take you in
(cause every time i breathe yeah)
and my heart beats again
baby i can't help it
(baby i can't help it)
you keep me drowning in your love
and every time i try to rise above
i'm swept away by love
baby i can't help it
you keep me drowning in your love
baby i can't help it
you keep me drowning in your love

you've got me drowning
keep drowning in your love

baby i can't help it
can't help it
no ,no

cause ever time i breathe i take you in
(yes i do)
then my heart beats again
baby i can't help it
(baby i can't help it)
keep me drowning in your love
and every time i try to rise above
i'm swept away by love
baby i can't help it
keep me drowning in your love

drowing 歌手:后街男孩 �6�1搜索“ drowing ”法改会歌词 �6�1搜索“ drowing ”的MP3 [答:后街男孩] 并不假装你很抱歉我知道你不你知道你的力量让我弱内和女孩你离开我喘不过气来但没关系 cuz你是我的生存现在听我说 我无法想象你的爱情生活甚至永远似乎没有足够长的像 每当我呼吸我要你和我的心跳再次婴儿我不能帮助它你把我淹死在你的爱每一次我试图超越我冲走的爱婴儿我不能帮助它你把我淹死在你的爱 也许我是一个流浪汉也许不是因为我已经知道的安全自由漂浮在你的怀里我不需要另一个生活线它不是我的 cuz只有你才能救我哦,你不能见 我无法想象你的爱情生活甚至永远似乎没有足够长的像 (似乎没有足够长的时间是一样) 每当我呼吸我要你和我的心跳再次婴儿我不能帮助它你把我淹死在你的爱每次我试图超越我冲走的爱婴儿我不能帮助它你把我淹死在你的爱 去拉我下包括我的梦想,是啊爱我现在口口你知道,我无法抗拒 cuz你是我呼吸的空气 每当我呼吸我要你 (原因我每次呼吸的是) 和我的心跳再次婴儿我不能帮助它 (婴儿我不能帮助它) 你把我淹死在你的爱每一次我试图超越我冲走的爱婴儿我不能帮助它你把我淹死在你的爱 (豪,豪) 婴儿我不能帮助它你把我淹死在你的爱 你有我溺水保持溺死在你的爱 婴儿我不能帮助它不能帮助它不,不 事业,我都呼吸我要你 (是我) 然后我的心跳再次 (哦) 婴儿我不能帮助它 (婴儿我不能帮助它) 让我淹死在你的爱每一次我试图超越 (溺水) 我冲走的爱婴儿我不能帮助它让我淹死在你 the pefect fan歌手:后街男孩
�6�1 搜索"the pefect fan"LRC歌词
�6�1 搜索"the pefect fan"mp3
[ti:the pefect fan]

the perfect fan
backstreet boys
it takes a lot to know what is love
it's not the big things, but the little things
that can mean enough
a lot of prayers to get me through
and there is never a day that passes by
i don't think of you
you were always there for me
pushing me and guiding me
always to succeed

you showed me

when i was young just how to grow

you showed me

everything that i should know

you showed me

just how to walk without your hands

'cause mom you always were

the perfect fan
god has been so good
blessing me with a family
who did all they could
and i've had many years of grace
and it flatters me when i see a smile on your face
i wanna thank you for what you've done
in hopes i can give back to you
and be the perfect son
you showed me how to love(you showed me how to love)
you showed me how to care(you showed me how to care)
and you showed me that you would
always be there i wanna thank you for that time
and i'm proud to say you're mine

mom you always were
you know you always were
i love you mom
在走上风扇歌手:后街男孩 �6�1搜索“的走上粉丝”法改会歌词 �6�1搜索“的走上范”的MP3 [钛:在走上范] [答:后街男孩] 完美的风扇后街男孩这要花很多知道什么是爱这不是大事情,但一些小事情这可能意味着不够大量的祈祷让我通过有一天,从来没有经过我不认为你你总是对我来说推动我和我的指导总是要成功 你告诉我 我小时候是如何成长 你告诉我 一切,我应该知道 你告诉我 如何走路没有你的手 '妈妈你总是引起了 完美的风扇上帝已经好祝福我的家人谁也都可以和我已经有很多年的宽限期它奉承我当我看到一个微笑的脸我要感谢你为你做什么希望我可以给你回和完善的儿子你告诉我如何去爱(你告诉我如何去爱) 你告诉我如何照顾(你告诉我如何照顾) 你告诉我,你会总是存在我要感谢你的时间我很自豪地说你是地雷 妈妈你总是被你知道你永远是我爱你妈妈 everybody歌手:后街男孩 专辑:printemps
�6�1 搜索"everybody"LRC歌词
�6�1 搜索"everybody"mp3




everybody 闭上双眼
everybody 天上人间
everybody 闭上双眼
everybody 天上人间
everybody 闭上双眼
shape of my heart
歌手:后街男孩 专辑:black and blue �6�1 搜索"shape of my heart"LRC歌词
�6�1 搜索"shape of my heart"mp3
[ti:shape of my heart]
[al:black and blue]hmm, yeah, yeah
baby, please try to forgive me
stay here don't put out the glow
hold me now don't bother
if every minute it makes me weaker
you can save me from the man that i've become
oh yeah
lookin' back on the things i've done
i was tryin' to be someone
i played my part, kept you in the dark
now let me show you the shape of my heart
send in this beautiful loneliness that's tragical
so help me i can't win this war
oh no
touch me now don't bother
if every second it makes me weaker
you can save me from the man i've become
lookin' back on the things i've done
i was tryin' to be someone
i played my part, kept you in the dark
now let me show you the shape of my heart
i'm here with my confession
got nothing to hide no more
i don't know where to start
but to show you the shape of my heart
i'm lookin' back on things i've done
i never wanna play the same old part
i'll keep you in the dark
now let me show you the shape of my heart
lookin' back on the things i've done
i was tryin' to be someone
i played my part, kept you in the dark
now let me show you the shape of my heart
lookin' back on the things i've done
i was tryin' to be someone
i played my part, kept you in the dark
now let me show you the shape of my heart
show you the shape of my heart
形状,我的心歌手:后街男孩专辑:黑色和蓝色 �6�1搜索“形状,我的心”法改会歌词 �6�1搜索“形状,我的心”的MP3 [钛:我的心形状] [答:后街男孩] [基地:黑色和蓝色] 嗯,嗯,嗯孩子,请原谅我在这里呆不熄的辉光持有我现在不打扰如果每分钟它让我弱你可以救我的人,我已经成为噢来查找'回的事情我做过我设法将某人我打我的一部分,让你在黑暗中现在让我告诉你的形状,我的心发送这个美丽的孤独是悲剧以便帮助我,我无法赢得这场战争哦,不触摸我现在不打扰如果每一秒钟它让我弱你可以救我的人我已经成为来查找'回的事情我做过我设法将某人我打我的一部分,让你在黑暗中现在让我告诉你的形状,我的心我在这里与我的自白有没有什么要隐瞒没有更多我不知道从哪里开始而是要告诉你的形状,我的心我来查找'回的事情我做过我从来没有想打老一部分我将让你在黑暗中现在让我告诉你的形状,我的心来查找'回的事情我做过我设法将某人我打我的一部分,让你在黑暗中现在让我告诉你的形状,我的心来查找'回的事情我做过我设法将某人我打我的一部分,让你在黑暗中现在让我告诉你的形状,我的心显示您的形状,我的心
第1个回答  2013-11-27
We've Got It Goin' On 我们要出发了
Anywhere For You 为你去任何地方
Get Down (You're The One For Me)开始
I'll Never Break Your Heart 我不会伤你的心
Quit Playin' Games (With My Heart) 别耍我了
Boys Will Be Boys 男孩终将是男孩
Just To Be Close To You 仅仅为了靠近你
I Wanna Be With You 我要和你在一起
Everytime I Close My Eyes 每一次闭上眼……
Darlin' 亲爱的
Let's Have A Party 让我们开个PARTY
Roll With It 跟着它摇摆!
Nobody But You 不是别人就是你
Lay Down Beside Me 躺在我身边
Everybody 每个人
As Long As You Love Me 只要你爱我就好
Missing You 想念你
That's The Way I Like It 那是我喜欢的方式!
10,000 Promises 1万个誓言
Like A Child 像个孩子
Hey,Mr.DJ 你好,DJ先生
That's What She Said 那是她说的
If You Want It To Be Good Girl 如果你想要好女孩
All I Have To Give 奉献一切
If I Don't Have You 如果我没有你
Larger Than Life 比生命更伟大
I Want It That Way 我就是爱你
Show Me The Meaning Of Being Lonely 告诉我孤独的含义
It's Gotta Be You 一定是你
I Need You Tonight 今晚,我需要你
Don't Want You Back 不要你回来
Don't Wanna Lose You Now 不想失去你
The One 那个人
Back To Your Heart 回到你心中
Spanish Eyes 西班牙的眼神
No One Else Comes Close 没有别人靠近
Perfect Fan 完美歌迷
I'll Be There For You 伴你左右
The Call 电话
Shape Of My Heart 心的形状
Get Another Boyfriend 再找个男朋友
Shining Star 闪烁星辰
I Promise You 我向你承诺
Answer To Our Life 生命的回报
Everyone 每个人
More Than That 爱你更多
Time 时间
Not For Me 不是为了我
Yes I Will 是的,我会
It's True 是真的
What Makes You Different 你的不同之处
How Did I Fall In Love With You 我怎么与你坠入爱河
Drowning 沉醉
Incomplete 不完整
Just Want You To Know 只要你知道
Crawling Back To You 回到你身边
Weird World 奇怪的世界
I Still … 我仍然……
Poster Girl 写真女郎
Lose It All 完全丧失
Climbing The Walls 烦躁
My Beautiful Woman 我的美丽女人
Safest Place To Hide 最安全的藏身之地
Siberia 西伯利亚
Never Gone 永不离去
Song For The Unloved 为不爱的人写一首歌
Rush Over Me 冲向我
Movin’On 摇摆本回答被网友采纳