well-known sport did by everybody . we all suggested that doing some sports or'' people sporting''.

because sport is very important for a country. nowadays many people think that sport stars are attracting too much pulic attention earning too much money .
in my opinion they are well desered.
firstly athletes reprensent a country as well as a goodwill ambassdors when they take part in international affairs. they will play important roles

The Chinese government launched a nationwide fitness campaign many years ago.
Everyone in our country is called on to take part in sports because sports are very important for a country. Nowadays many people think that sports stars are attracting too much public attention because of earning too much money.
In my opinion, the pay they get is well deserved. Firstly athletes reprensent a country as well as a good-will ambassdor when they compete in the international games such as the Olympic Games. They will play important roles in international affairs.
Not everyone can become a fine athlete; only some people will be outstanding players. If they earn as much money as they can win the international games, they deserve so.


【刘老师 回答】追问

请问老师as soon as后面跟什么词语比如我一有空就学英语怎么说
自欺欺人、弄虚作假、公事公办、前途无限、光宗耀祖、台上一分钟台下十年功用英语怎么说?? crook是有骗子的意思吗 assumed by crooks什么意思 follow up on old-fashioned vigilance 中的follow up on 什么意思

第1个回答  2012-07-15
第一句 well-known sports did by everybody 我希望这只是title 不然的话请修改

what is people sporting? its too chinglish....

好吧 我帮你改写一下你再看看


We have all been suggested to do some hours of exercise weekly. Exercise and sports are very important for the well being of our body.
无关紧要的两句话我还是帮你改写了... =_=

Now a days many people think that sport stars are attracting too much public attention and earning too much money. In my opinion, their salary is well deserved. Athletes represent a country as well as goodwill ambassdors when they take part in international affairs.
虽然我不认同你的观点 但是改写就这样吧....本回答被网友采纳