
就像horses use their tails to keep flies away
monkey us its tail like a third arm,……



Some animals use their tails to hold on tight.

The spider monkey(蜘蛛猿) lives in jungle(丛林). It has a very strong tail. The monkey can hang by its tail to reach the fruit that it likes to eat.

The sea horse lives(海马) in the sea. It curls (卷曲)its tail around the seaweed(海藻) in the water so that it is not washed away by the waves.

This mouse lives in fields. It can climb up and down the tall stems(茎干) of grass. It curls its tail around the stems so that it does not fall down.

Tails That Sting

Animals can use their tails to sting.

This animal is a scorpion(蝎子). It has a sting in its tail. When another animal comes too close, the scorpion lifts up its tail and gives it a sting.

This animal is a stingray(黄貂鱼). It has a sharp spine(刺) on its tail. Stingrays will whip out(突然拿出) their tails if other animals get too close.

Tails That Send Messages

Animals can use their tails to send message.

Skunks(臭鼬) use their tails to send message. If there is danger, the skunk lifts up its black and white tail. Its tail will frighten the enemy away.

A beaver(海狸) has a flat wide tail. When there is danger, it slaps(拍打) its tail on the water. The loud noise sends a message to the other beavers that there is danger.

What message does this dog’s tail give?
A dog can give different message with its tail. When a dog is happy, it wags(摇晃) its tail from side to side. When a dog is scared(受惊), it puts its tail between its dogs.

What message does this cat’s tail give?

Tails That Help Animals Move

A tail can be used to help an animal move around.

Fish move their tails from side to side to help them move through the water.

A crayfish(小龙虾) uses its tail to move through the water, too. When there is danger, the crayfish moves really fast. It moves backwards through the water to get away from danger.

Kangaroos(袋鼠) have strong tails. When they hop(跳跃) around on their back legs, the strong tail stops them from falling over.

Tails for Showing Off

Some animals use their tails to say “look at me”. This is called display.

The peacock(孔雀) has a tail that is brightly coloured. It lifts its tail and spreads out the feathers when it wants to say “look at me”.

hold on tight
pinch or sting
send messages
move about


第1个回答  2008-02-10
Some animals use their tails to hold on tight.

The spider monkey(蜘蛛猿) lives in jungle(丛林). It has a very strong tail. The monkey can hang by its tail to reach the fruit that it likes to eat.

The sea horse lives(海马) in the sea. It curls (卷曲)its tail around the seaweed(海藻) in the water so that it is not washed away by the waves.

This mouse lives in fields. It can climb up and down the tall stems(茎干) of grass. It curls its tail around the stems so that it does not fall down.

Tails That Sting

Animals can use their tails to sting.

This animal is a scorpion(蝎子). It has a sting in its tail. When another animal comes too close, the scorpion lifts up its tail and gives it a sting.

This animal is a stingray(黄貂鱼). It has a sharp spine(刺) on its tail. Stingrays will whip out(突然拿出) their tails if other animals get too close.

Tails That Send Messages

Animals can use their tails to send message.

Skunks(臭鼬) use their tails to send message. If there is danger, the skunk lifts up its black and white tail. Its tail will frighten the enemy away.

A beaver(海狸) has a flat wide tail. When there is danger, it slaps(拍打) its tail on the water. The loud noise sends a message to the other beavers that there is danger.

What message does this dog’s tail give?
A dog can give different message with its tail. When a dog is happy, it wags(摇晃) its tail from side to side. When a dog is scared(受惊), it puts its tail between its dogs.

What message does this cat’s tail give?

Tails That Help Animals Move

A tail can be used to help an animal move around.

Fish move their tails from side to side to help them move through the water.

A crayfish(小龙虾) uses its tail to move through the water, too. When there is danger, the crayfish moves really fast. It moves backwards through the water to get away from danger.

Kangaroos(袋鼠) have strong tails. When they hop(跳跃) around on their back legs, the strong tail stops them from falling over.

Tails for Showing Off

Some animals use their tails to say “look at me”. This is called display.

The peacock(孔雀) has a tail that is brightly coloured. It lifts its tail and spreads out the feathers when it wants to say “look at me”.

hold on tight 抓紧
pinch or sting 应付紧急情况或者刺
send messages 传递信息
move about 辅助运动
display 炫耀


第2个回答  2021-03-18

第3个回答  2008-02-10