你认为培养学生用新的思维方式看问题的能力重要吗?说出你的理由~ (英语口语考试题😭

你认为培养学生用新的思维方式看问题的能力重要吗?说出你的理由~ (英语口语考试题😭😭 帮帮我)

第1个回答  2016-06-16
Some one likes group thinking,while others insist on individual thinking.
Those who like group thinking think that group thinking can provide one with open-minded information.People can share there information and knowledge when discussing.However,unlike individual thinking,group thinking could engage too much time on discussing,which could largely limit personal deeper and more carefull consideration.
To summerize,in my point of view,I believe the good way of thinking is one way get involved in group discussion for boarder view and more information,while at the same time take some time to think by oneself.本回答被提问者和网友采纳
第2个回答  2016-11-18
only a limited and specified time