
帮帮忙!!!谢谢---英语作文哦~~定采-------------当你在生活或学习中遇到困难时你会向 谁寻求帮助呢?请你列举一两个你常遇 到的困难(如学习成绩不好,与同学相 处不好等)并说你乐意向谁倾诉及其原 因80词左右开头的: there are always small p roblems during out life . Sometime

The students of our class have different ideas about whether we ask teachers fo r help with homework problems. Those who prefer to ask teachers for help thin k that teachers can explain clearly, and it will be a good chance to communicat e with teachers. However, some disagre e. On one hand, they are too shy to ask teachers for help. On other hand, they are afraid of be laughed at by others. As for me, I would like to ask teachers f or help. I can get more ways for my stu dy. It is easier to solve problems wit h their help, and I can save more time i n homework. Teachers can help me a l ot.追问



我们班的学生对我们是否有家庭作业的问题 问老师的帮助有不同的想法。那些喜欢向老 师寻求帮助,老师认为能解释清楚,这将是 一个很好的机会与教师交流。然而,一些dis agre E.一方面,他们羞于向老师寻求帮助。 另一方面,他们害怕被别人嘲笑。至于我, 我想问老师或帮助。我可以为我的学生了。 这是更容易解决问题有帮助的更多的方法, 我可以节省更多的时间,我的作业。老师能 帮助我许多。

