求英语翻译 一行一句 急求 注意一定要准确


公司的经营状况有所好转。The company is running better. (The operation of the company is getting better.)
我们为取得的进步感到骄傲。We're proud of the progress we made.
你明天上午7点叫醒我好吗?Could you wake me up at 7 o'clock tomorrow morning?
他无权签订这份合同。He is not authorized to sign this contract.
他起得很早且一向如此。He gets up early, and he always does.
另一个候选人主要劣势是她的年龄问题。The main disadvantage of the other candidate is her age.
他们对这项计划提出了修改意见。They came up with some suggestions to modify the plan.
这本书很受年轻人欢迎。This book is very popular with the young people.
有些人认为早饭是一天中最重要的一餐饭。Some people believe that breakfast is the most important meal of the day.
他们的意见并没有什么不同。There is basically no difference between their opinions.
交作业之前一定要认真检查。Carefully check your homework before turning it in.
我国人口在不断增加。The population of our country keeps on growing.
有些临时访客把她耽搁在办公室了。Some unexpected visitors kept her tied up in the office.
那项规则不适用于我们这种情况。That rule doesn't apply in our case.
我确信你会成功。I'm sure that you'll succeed.
第1个回答  2012-06-05
Our company's business has improved.
We're proud of our progress.
Could you wake me up at 7 am tomorrow?
He doesn't have the authority to sign the contract.
He always gets up very early.
The disadvantage of another candidate is her age.
The offered amendment advice for this plan.
This book is very popular to the young.
Some people believe breakfast is the most important meal during a day.
There's no much difference of their opinion.
You must review your homework before submitting them.
Our country's population is still growing.
She has to stay in her office due to some temporary visitors.
The regulation is not fit for our condition.
I'm sure that you will get a success.
第2个回答  2012-06-05
Our company is operating better and better.
We're proud of this progress.
Can you wake me up at 7 o'clock tomorrow morning?
He's not authorized to sign this contract.
He got up very early like he usually did.
The other candidate's biggest drawback is her age.
They've proposed their modification on this project.
This book is very popular to young people.
Some people consider breakfast to be the most important meal in every day.
There's no diferrence between their opinions.
You must review your homework carefully before you hand it in.
Our country's population is growing continuously.
She was detained in her office by some temporary visitors.
That rule is not applicable to our situation.
I'm sure you will succeed.
第3个回答  2012-06-05
The situation in our company begins to take a favourable turn.
We are proud of our achivement.
Could you please wake me up at 7 tomorrow morning.
He has no right to sign the contract.
He always get up early like this.
The main weakness of another candidate is her age.
They have given some modify comments on this project.
this book is popular among teenagers.
Some people think that breakfast is the vital meal in a day.
There is no diffference between their opinions.
Check carefully before you hand in your homework.
The pupolation of our country keeps increasing.
She was delayed by some unexpected vistors.
That rule is not suitable for our condition.
I am sure that you will succeed.
第4个回答  2012-06-05
the business condition is getting better in the company。
we are proud of the progress we’v got。
could you please wake me up at 7 o‘clock on next morning?
he has no right to sign this contract。
he gets up early and without fail。
the main weakness of another candidate is her age。
they put forward modification for this plan。
this book is very popular among young people。
some think that breakfast is the most important meal。
there isn’t any difference between their opinions。
make sure a serious check before handing in the task。
the population of our country is constantly increasing。
some temporary visitors have delayed her in the office。
that rule doesn‘t apply to our situation。
i'm sure you will succeed。

hope these translations help,good luck!