以“My last weekeng”的英语作文


On last Saturday, my parents and I went to the Beishan park to play. 上个星期六我和爸爸妈去了北山公园玩.First, we watched the flowers. 开始的时候我们一起赏花.Then, we climbed the mountains.接着我们又去爬山, Finally, we have flew the kite.最后我们一起放风筝. We had played for a whole morning. 我们玩了一整上午.In the afternoon, we went to my grandparents' family to visit my grandparents. 下午我们去了我爷爷奶奶家去看望他们.Except me, other family members talked a lot. 除了我之外,其他的家庭成员都聊了很多,I played outside.我到外面去玩去了,In the evening,my parents and I took a train to go to Yanji to take part in an English Contest. 晚上,爸爸妈妈和我一起坐火车去延吉参加了一个英语比赛. And on last Sunday,I arrived in Yanji.上个星期天我到了延吉I went to Yanji hotel to join the competition.我去延吉宾馆参加比赛.I felt very happy.我感到非常高兴,And at noon,we had lunch at KFC.中午我们在肯德基里吃的饭The foods is tasty.那些食物可真好吃,I ate a lot.我吃了不少,And in the afternoon,we went to the zoo to took some pictures.下午我们一起去了动物园,还拍了许多照片.We played happily.我们玩得非常开心,And at three o'clock,we went home.三点钟的时候我们才回家,I felt happy and tired. 我感到很累,却很开心 What do you think of my last weekend?你觉得我的周末过得怎么样?