

Nowadays,the "white pollution" is more and more serious.Because the life with the plastic bag is more easy ,people like using it whenever they need it.But the result is not so pleasing,for people do not care about protecting the environment.They throw the used plastic bags everywhere.In such environment,the pollution is severe.
第1个回答  2012-06-15
White pollution information

One, what is the white pollution

The so-called" white pollution", is one of the plastic waste pollution of the environment of an image title. It refers to the use of polystyrene, polypropylene, PVC and other polymers made from various types of life plastic products become a solid waste disposal after use, due to free throw litter, dealing with difficult degradation, resulting in the serious pollution of the environment of city.

In two, the harm of white pollution

White pollution exist two kinds of hazards: visual pollution and potential harm.

Visual pollution refers to plastic bags, boxes, cups, bowls and other scattered in the environment, give it an adverse visual stimulation, effects of environmental aesthetics.

White pollution potential hazards are manifold.

1, disposable plastic foam lunch boxes and plastic bags of food containing serious impact to our health. When the temperature reached 65℃, foam plastic disposable tableware of hazardous materials into food, on the human liver, kidney and central nervous system damage.

We are now used for food of the ultra-thin plastic bags are generally polyvinyl chloride plastics. In the early forty years ago, people found a polyvinyl chloride plastic residual vinyl chloride monomer. When people are exposed to vinyl chloride, wrist, fingers will appear edema, sclerosis of the skin and other symptoms, may also appear splenomegaly, liver injury. In our country, we use of ultra-thin plastic bags are almost from waste plastics recycling, is composed of small enterprises or family workshops production. These plant materials used are discarded plastic barrels, basin, such as disposable syringe. During the production, first with the raw material crushing machinery into plastic particles, then plastic particles placed in a pool ( called washing disinfection ), taken out to dry, and then mechanical pressing it into film, made of a variety of plastic bags. At every meal, there is a lot of people use plastic bags of food, they don't know this behavior is not only harmful to environment, but also do harm to their body.

In 2, the soil deterioration, seriously affects the growth of crops. China's current use of plastics degradation time, usually takes at least 200years. Farm waste plastic, plastic bags and long term residual in Tanaka, will affect the crop on soil moisture, nutrient uptake, inhibit the growth of crops, resulting in crop production. If the cattle eat plastic film, can cause livestock digestive disorders, or even death.

In 3, landfill of city garbage treatment in China is still one of the main methods of. Because the plastic film small density, large volume, it can quickly fill the ground, reduce landfill site of garbage disposal capacity of landfill site; and, after because of soft ground, garbage in bacteria, viruses and other harmful material is easy to infiltrate into the ground, groundwater pollution, endanger the surrounding environment.

4, if the waste plastic direct incineration, will cause serious environmental pollution two. Plastic incinerator, not only produces a lot of smoke, but will produce dioxin -- so far the most toxic substances. Dioxin into the soil, with at least15 months to gradually break down, it will do harm to plants and crops; dioxin on animal's liver and brain have serious damage. Incineration of waste emissions of dioxin pollution to the environment, has become one of the world's attention as a very sensitive problem.

In addition, the disposable plastic tableware degradation, now many city to promote the use of green tableware -- paper tableware paper products, is the principle of composition of cellulose degradation by microorganisms. However, instead of using paper tableware plastic tableware foam is also unwise. First of all, paper tableware will also bring visual pollution. Their degradation speed is not fast, often in a few days or even several months will not complete degradation. Secondly, for paper tableware, in addition to use straw, rice paste, but also to join the1/3 around wood pulp, if the comprehensive promotion, will cause a large number of wood consumption, leading to a rise in deforestation. China's forest coverage rate is only 13.92%, the per capita forest area is equivalent to only17.2% of the world average level. In third, pulp is always the water consumption big, energy-hungry and large discharge. Pulping process requires a large amount of water, and our country belongs to the shortage of water resources in the country. If untreated sewage directly discharged into rivers, water pollution, cause; of paper tableware molded dried immediately, this needs many energy consumption. While China's energy structure with coal as the main fuel, which can increase the content of SO2 in air, caused by acid rain.

In three, the prevention and treatment of white pollution

1, we should reduce the amount of disposable plastic tableware, paper tableware use. No disposable tableware is not conducive to environmental protection, but also the biggest waste of resources. In our daily life, should not be excessively relying on plastic bags. In the store, can use one or two plastic bags packed commodity classification, the weight of goods in the bag is completely within the tolerance range, some customers are insisting that took more than one or two bags. The majority of consumers to supermarket plastic bag home when the garbage bag is used, discarded after two pollution caused to the environment. Therefore, we should refuse to use plastic bags to buy food or holding food, buy food available food basket or bag to avoid the use of the disposable, reduce the pollution of the environment. While holding food can use their own stainless steel or plastic boxes, sanitation, environmental protection, but not to physical harm.

2, recycling of waste plastics and the resource is the fundamental way to solve the white pollution. In fact, plastics and other materials than, have a distinct advantage: the plastic can be recycled repeatedly. Waste plastic recycling, after processing, can become products, or making gasoline and diesel.

In recent years, in Germany, Japan, the United States and other countries, because of the importance of packaging material recycling, has achieved the plastic production, use, recycle, reuse of benign loop, fundamentally eliminate the white pollution. In China, recycling of waste plastics work has started. We should cooperate with the relevant government departments, the waste classification, so that recovery can be performed smoothly.

3, to strengthen the propaganda of environmental protection, raise the environmental awareness of citizens, in the community formed a good environmental atmosphere, is to solve the white pollution and other forms of pollution premise. For example, to recycling of waste plastics, will implement the recycling packaging system, different types of garbage in different bins, this needs us to have highly conscious awareness of environmental protection.



1、 一次性发泡塑料饭盒和塑料袋盛装食物严重影响我们的身体健康。当温度达到65℃时,一次性发泡塑料餐具中的有害物质将渗入到食物中,会对人的肝脏、肾脏及中枢神经系统等造成损害。
2、 使土壤环境恶化,严重影响农作物的生长。我国目前使用的塑料制品的降解时间,通常至少需要200年。农田里的废农膜、塑料袋长期残留在田中,会影响农作物对水分、养分的吸收,抑制农作物的生长发育,造成农作物的减产。若牲畜吃了塑料膜,会引起牲畜的消化道疾病,甚至死亡。
3、 填埋作业仍是我国处理城市垃圾的一个主要方法。由于塑料膜密度小、体积大,它能很快填满场地,降低填埋场地处理垃圾的能力;而且,填埋后的场地由于地基松软,垃圾中的细菌、病毒等有害物质很容易渗入地下,污染地下水,危及周围环境。
4、 若把废塑料直接进行焚烧处理,将给环境造成严重的二次污染。塑料焚烧时,不但产生大量黑烟,而且会产生二恶英——迄今为止毒性最大的一类物质。二恶英进入土壤中,至少需15个月才能逐渐分解,它会危害植物及农作物;二恶英对动物的肝脏及脑有严重的损害作用。焚烧垃圾排放出的二恶英对环境的污染,已经成为全世界关注的一个极敏感的问题。

2、 回收废塑料并使之资源化是解决白色污染的根本途径。其实,塑料和其它材料比,有一个显著的优点:塑料可以很方便地反复回收使用。废塑料回收后,经过处理,既能重新成为制品,亦可制得汽油与柴油。
3、 加强环保宣传,提高公民的环保意识,在社会上形成良好的环保氛围,是解决白色污染及其它各种形式污染的前提。例如,要回收废塑料,就要实行垃圾回收分装制度,把不同类的垃圾放在不同的垃圾桶内,这就需要我们有高度自觉的环保意识。