
想写一篇介绍自己优势的作文 哪位能帮帮我 用来应聘的 谢谢了
内容想包括以下三点: 1.家住武汉 想在武汉发展 会在武汉呆很长时间;2.身体健康 在校期间没有因为病请过假;3.在学校表现良好 没有违规违纪 成绩突出 专业基础知识扎实 之类的话 事关我毕业后的工作啊 哪位帮帮我 谢谢了``

第1个回答  推荐于2016-12-02
Personal Statement

I graduated from univeristy. I want to establish my career in Wuhan, as I have set up my home here and will live here for a long time.

I am very healthy and didn't ask for any sick leave during my university years. I behaved very well in university, without any violation of school rules or school regulations. I am a diligent, energetic young man. I have a strong and firm fundamental of my speciality. I worked hard at univeristy and I was one of the top students with outstanding grades.

I am ready to help others when they need help,and I enjoy working with others cooparatively.

Take me and I will certainly return you a pleasant surprise.本回答被提问者采纳